isaiah658's Pixel Pack #2
Edit: Version 2.0 is now released. This version includes a few new tileset tiles, such as snowy versions of buildings and trees, more monsters including front and back sprites, battle backgrounds, monster attack animations, character sprites, user interface art, old title screen art, and a few other things. Both the download for version 1.0 and the new 2.0 are included at the bottom of this post. Make sure to check out the new version.
The past few months I've been making a game / art similar to Pokemon Gen 2 and Gen 3. I wanted the art to bring back a bit of nostalgia while still being original. I used some of the assets from my first pixel pack as a base and expanded on it. I don't consider it finished and plan on adding more in the future. It'll be awhile before that happens so I'm posting what I have now.
The art style follows some loose rules:
- Each 16 x 16 tile can have dark gray and 3 other colors.
- If an object goes on top another tile, such as a tree, the color limit does not include the tile below it.
- A few tiles, such as paintings and flower pots, are allowed more than 3 colors. But sticking to 3 when possible is preferred.
- Some of the flower and water tiles are "animated". They have 4 frames that create an animated loop when shown left to right.
- No color palette is enforced. Colors do get reused from other tiles if they match what is needed to create some unison.
- The monster sprites can have pure black and 4 other colors. They are 64 x 64.
The following is a list of some of the objects included:
- Front facing and back facing monsters
- Character spritesheets
- Monster attack animations
- Buildings / Houses
- Furniture / rugs / paintings
- Flooring / carpets
- Flower pots
- Rough rocks / mountains / caves
- Science laboratory / clean industrial type tiles
- Convenience store tiles / soda machine / claw machine / vending maching / arcade machine
- Water / dock / pier
- User interface art assets
- Monster battle backgrounds

This is so cool! Is the game that you're working on available anywhere to check out?
Are you faniliar with Tuxemon? It uses a different style but is also open source so you may be able to find something useful in it!
Currently the game isn't posted anywhere. I have no actual gameplay made. I'm making my own "engine" with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Currently I have walking, loading maps, tile animations, menus, keybindings, music and sound effects, and dialogue boxes implemented. So it's close to being good enough to start making actual gameplay. It's about 1000 lines of code. If I did fully finish a game with it, I'd probably attempt to sell it. If I give up or see it's not profitable, it would get licensed as MIT.
I'm aware of Tuxemon, but due to Tuxemon art using CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, etc, and all CC licenses except CC0 forbidding "DRM" such as Steam, I won't be using any assets from Tuxemon. Even if my game becomes open sourced, I'd like to still have the rights to distribute it on stores for free even if those stores count as DRM. But my hope is that I can actually get paid for creating things.
Thanks for responding and the extra detail. Please let me know when it is ready for playing, I'd love to check it out. Maybe with a Patreon or Kickstarter you could MIT license it and make money off it, but it's up to you of course :D
That's a shame re CC, DRM and Steam. I'd assumed there was a work around!
Love these! Do you do commission work?