Gothic Window Tileset
This pack is a gothic window tileset created in aseprite. It was ment for use with Szadi's platformer tileset available for free on the unity asset store. Thats what I used in my example picture. On the left you can see the windows that his tileset came with, and on the right you can see mine. It will probably work with any other tileset though if you modify it a bit. As you can see in the example image it can look quite nice with a background and some lighting.
The native size for this tileset is 128x128 for slicing, but you can go smaller as long as it is a perfect divisor of that. I used 16x16 in my game just so it would work seamlessly with my other tilesets.
If using unity: You should add the file to a sprite atlas to remove any artifacts or tearing. Point mode filtering can make it look bad if you arent using a pixel perfect camera.
I also included an experimental stained glass version of Jesus. It didn't turn out that great in my opinion but it might be salvagable with some transparency and clever use of light sources. It seemed to fit the medieval window theme so I threw it in.
I also included the relevant Aseprite files for convenience.
Please let me know in the comments if you used these for anything. That would be very cool.

this looks awesome, thanks for cc0 too!