Free RPG art tiles by Henry Software
While poking around the recent history I saw that Sanglorian had posted that were free CC0 art from a larger commercial set. While looking at the originals I saw that the original artist had more free sets available under a CC0 license.
Free Pixel Gear! (looks like volcanic weapons and armor) is available at and includes art from the larger set of items at
Free Pixel Level! is available at and includes art from the larger set of background elements at
Free Pixel Mob! (the slime creature) is available at and icludes art from the larger set of monsters at
Be aware the originals contain Unity information (it appears, I can't check because I don't use Unity) and that there are a number of other files to browse. Please check out those pages for more information and to send comments directly to the artist. The top page is at

Incredible, that amount of drawings well done
Author selection is still broken
Yeah, I wasn't sure if there was some secret way to do it, but it didn't give me the option to assing this to anyone else. It just aks if you are the owner, you say no, and it says you must choose an author if you want it submitted, but it doesn't give me a chance to choose anyone but myself.
An admin should either make the change or tell me when it's possible to do it.
posted in march
then I found out Andrettin did the same in december