Fluffy Clouds
Fluffy cloud images created from actual photographs.
The background is a uniform color, but the gimp file is layered and the cloud is alpha blended so the cloud can be extracted and pasted on to any similar sky blue color and still look good, so feel free to toss it into your own sky images.
The actual sky has a natural gradient, where it's typically brighter at the horizon, and darker straight up (because you have to pass through more atmosphere to get to space when going at the horizon than you do when going straight up). Because they're alpha mapped, these clouds should still look good even if you put them down on a sky gradient, so you could potentially get some very realistic looking sky by pasting these clouds around.
Feel free to create backdrops with them and post the results to the OGA with the same licenses :)

quite good! May I be that curious to ask where the photos came from which were used?
I took the pictures with my Nokia N900 phone, just outside my office here at work.
I've only posted one cloud so far but when I get time I'll update this entry to add some more from my other photos.
big thanks to you :)
So we chose as what license we want to use whit this right?
Hi Daniel !
Thanks for your clouds ;)
I'm using them in my new mobile game
I'm very glad you like it! If you charge for the game on steam, I hope you send me a free key. ;D
Of course ;)
Great :)