Flare windows
Monday, September 10, 2012 - 02:12
Art Type:
- 2D::Tile::Isometric
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- CC0 for Flare RPG
- CF Inspiration
- Downloads for PureRP
- Explorer RPG
- Flare
- FLARE Collection
- General - G.U.I.
- Interface
- Iso-RPG-Concept
- Isometric
- items to try
- Orthogonal Fantasy 32x RPG Graphics | CC0 or CC-BY
- RPG Icons & Items
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- UI
- User Interface
- User Interface (UI) Art Collection
- w
Dark fantasy themed windows, for Flare ( www.clintbellanger.net/rpg ), as part of commission by clintbellanger. On the top, window outer frame; on the bottom, window interior subdivision ("panel") frame. Meant to go with http://opengameart.org/content/flare-buttons . The window looks very simple, since the buttons (and in future, other similar gui elements) should stand out as elaborate.
Licensed to cc0 / public domain .
Any large seamlessly tiling texture can work as a background; play around with the textures from http://pdtextures.blogspot.com/ for nice results. In the Preview example, the background is semitransparent, which I think works well.
edit: added a white "glow", to be scaled to the size of the window.

hm.. like the buttons more, its kinda too simple
Hi! I used these as part of a recent game development contest. My entry is available here:
Hngg oh god that minimap is so awesome