Fantasy World Map
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 12:59
Art Type:
To accompany this tutorial:

To accompany this tutorial:
That looks great, but where did you get all those little props? (like the trees and houses)
I used to find CC0 old map images, processed them and created a set of brushes.
This is cool, loving the names of all the areas as well! :D
Why I do believe there is one you did not name! Left half of the map. middle. Reminds me of an abbey.
Last time I visitied that place it was unoccupied and still waits for its rightful owner to be named after him. It is a nice place, gardens all around, not far from the shore (1 hour on the horse, 2.5 by foot). Rather expensive though.
Very cool piece of work.
Thanks, I appreciate that. I am thinking about expanding the tutorial beyond the creation of the basic look. Not sure if it is wanted. Should I? Please leave your comments.
If you used CC0 pictures as brushes maybe could add them here also. Second part for the tutorial would be nice.
To be precise, I used CC0 images to create brushes, thus making a derivating work. This is a rather time-consuming work, still inprogress, and I have not made up my mind about the licence. Anywaty, I will try and work on the second part of the tutorial. Thanks for the feedback.
Being able to make a map like this could prove very valuable for a lot of things. I would like to see a part 2 of this tutorial. Thanks for the part 1 and a good basis to start making this style of map.
Check it out here
This... looks really cool. I planned to buy a program to design my World Maps, but I can test this out and see how well it works. Thanks for sharing!
really nice artwork and thanks for doing the tutorial on this.
Lol the name references.
For some nice public domain map symbols, try here:
and search for 'RPG map symbols'.