Fantasy Armies
Saturday, January 23, 2016 - 05:41
Art Type:

Knights and castles theme.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:

Knights and castles theme.
Amazing, as always!
Very nice !
Hello there, Soaring Dreams here (
I have an upcoming Rpg/Jrpg game coming up and just about ready to release.
I would like to make sure I am giving you the proper credit before i move forward with releasing this title.
If you are by chance wondering how i plan to use this track in the game, it will be used as the regular battle theme. With your permission i would like to just rename it for my personal data base as "Axandrum Battle theme" for better organization. Come time for inputing credits i'll be sure to list the track as
Ex: Regular battle theme: "Fantasy Armies" by
any further questions, please reach me at
Thank you for the awsome work as usual :)
@Gia Dream Works: Alexandr Zhelanov has already granted permission for you to use this asset in your game by licensing it CC-BY 3.0. Renaming the file is well within the rights allowed by the license. If it's renamed in your game, the credits should probably refer to your name for it, not the original, to avoid confusion; "'fantasy armies by Alexandr Zhelanov'? I can't find any file called 'fantasy armies'... Also, who made the Axandrum battle theme? I like that song but I don't see that listed in the credits."
Per the credits suggestion guide:
Hey love the track, Using this in my game: