Dungeon large tiles
Thursday, April 25, 2013 - 11:09
Art Type:
These are like the tiles before except they are bigger and wider to add more variety to your dungeons. You must use the transition tile I uploaded last to connect the smaller tiles with the larger. Comes with normal and specular maps.
Large Hallway:
62 vertices
46 triangles
Large Bend:
88 vertices
68 triangles
Large T-junction:
88 vertices
69 triangles
Large Cross-roads:
120 vertices
90 triangles
Large stairs:
100 vertices
84 triangles
Attribution Instructions:
Attribute this site, opengameart.org!

Great, they really work, except the stairs, which have pretty high steps and cannot be stepped, about 80% the size would work. So at least 12 steps instead of the old 10 I think. Another thing as someone also said so far is that the texture on the stairs does not look good. Consider using an extra texture for the stairs of use another ground texture that fits better.
I attached a screenshot that you can see both, one step is almost to the knee of the player, I think real life steps are about half of that, but after I scaled them about 80% they worked, but this is not an overall solution since you would have to scale them all or change the game dynamics for that.
Another thing is, if you run you may hit the ceiling of the stairs part, because it is pretty steep, so maybe another tile with 2x the lengh with stairs would fix that.
Sometimes the position goes out of sync and has to be adapted manually and where the parts are joined fizzly light coms through sometimes, but I think thats a problem of the engine.
Attached a picture that you can see the problem with the big steps and the not so nice texturing.
Otherwise useful assets, I may build a level out of it.
Hm another thing is, sometimes the textures do not stay seamless between the modules, maybe because of rotation of the modules, you may find a solution to make them tile nicer between the modules or provide seperate columns and steps someone can place over the seams, to cover ugly spots.
Thanks for the small dungeon set, I made a similar set, had problems snapping it all
together. Your pieces all had the same names so I couldn't append them together,
so I export/import fbx files and grouped the pieces, however, I'm not sure
how to select-move-snap groups. Here are the small pieces all in 1 blend file.
You might want to join the parts of tiles together so they're easier to move, using CTRL + J with the parts selected. To snap them to the grid, just hit SHIFT + S, then choose snap to grid.
I made a dungeon set also, but I made it for unity game engine, it wants 1 power of 2 texture 512x512, 1024x1024, etc. per mesh.
Also I made some 'seam hider' arches.
If I get yours fixed up for unity I'll post the link.
I like the screenshot and it'd be good if you could get these into Unity because I don't know much about the engine yet. For getting all the textures into one image you could use Bake and choose Textures. You's have to make a UV map with all the parts of the tile first though, but I think it's the easiest way.
Djon, check
http://terrymorgan.net/sitemap.html in the Blender area, they're old but might help. You don't
need to bake anything, but every part of your dungeon piece must be textured on 1 1024x1024
or 512x512 bitmap, it's the hard part.
Well, there already on power-of-2 maps, so it might be quite easy after all.
SQUARE power of 2, unity will make them into squares with blank areas. For a dungeon
piece I'd use a 512x512 or 1024x1024.
Really? It's a shame Unity won't allow just any power of 2 for the dimensions.
most of this is boring, but at the 30 minute mark he shows how to
make a texture 'atlas' they're called.
You can use any power of 2, but non-squares will have wasted space, bad.
If you have Firefox 'flashgot plugin' you can save youtube videos to your
hard drive.
also check
blender to unirpg tutorials on getting blender stuff into unity