Dead Swamp Tileset
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 - 06:52
Art Type:
This is a 32x32 tileset for deadly swamps. It comes with ground textures, reeds and dead trees, an autotile for animated water and tiles for moldy wooden houses, structures and bridges to get across.
The tiles and the animated water are formatted for RPGMakerXP, but can be used in any engine.
It was made to match this tree trunk addon and this voodoo guy.
You can also check out more of my free assets here: Aurora-Sprites
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
You are also allowed to share and repost my assets (or edits thereof) as long as you credit me and provide a link that leads back here or to my homepage.

your stuff is so cool
Thanks, appreciate it :)
I still have a lot of stuff finished that I have yet to upload here and I have also recently decided to spend much more time making these assets, so there is a lot more to come!
Very cool stuff.