Dagger - Basic Mage Dagger
Sunday, December 18, 2011 - 12:49
Art Type:
Dagger - Basic Mage Dagger
By: Quandtum
License: CC BY-SA.
Blender Version: r42667
Model Version: 1.0
Blend contains one object mesh.
Maps included (Diffuse, Normal, Specular and Ambient) are all 1024×1024 jpg and can be rescaled to suit specific needs (game models maybe want to scale them to 512×512).
Base mesh is manifold and has 238 vertices, 482 edges and 246 faces.
Source texture manifest:

I love your models already :)
Thank you!
Hi, great model :)
Can i use the model as a sprite in my game?
The description says CC-BY-SA, but the license option is only for CC-BY.
Thanks for catching that. Due to the way the CC license work, we must go by what was listed in the blend file (which was CC-BY-SA). I have corrected the web listing.
If I could do all over again, it would have been CC-0, so my appologies for BY-SA.