Cartoon Skeleton
Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 17:05
Art Type:
Another Inkscape practice - finally a villain. How does the rib gradient look (and tips on shading pelvises would help)? As always, suggestions/criticism are welcome!

First off, love the skull. :)
I'm always kind of at a loss when I'm trying to portray a complicated shape in a relatively simple style. There's always that question of which details you should leave out and which ones to keep, and I think you did well there.
The biggest issue (as you essentially mentioned) is that the pelvis lacks volume, and unfortunately the usual "use a reference" doesn't really work here because pelvis bones are complicated and even a moderately realistic one would look out of place.
That said, this page here has a shaded pelvic bone that might be at least somewhat helpful:
I'm struggling to find a good example of a *shaded* cartoon pelvic bone, and I'm not having a whole lot of luck, so my best advice on that is to look at a real one and try to imagine what a "simplified" one would look like in 3 dimensions, then shade it based on that. (Maybe a better artist than me can chime in on this).
The only other nitpicks I have are that the leg on the viewer's left (his right leg) should be a bit darker, since the boot on that leg is darker. Also, I feel like the dark part of the rib gradient could be bigger. And, you might want to add some shading to the shield.
Keep at it, you're doing well! :)
Shade the pelvis just like you did the ribcage.
The pelvis should be in perspective, like you did for the legs feets and shoulder otherwise it looks flat.Then, you could put some shadows on it and maybe move it to the right (with the legs and feets) to have a better center of gravity.
Verry nice skeleton by the way ! some variations on this model could be verry helpfull too. Just by changing the welded obects (mage, archer, simple skeleton,....).
xcuse my poor english...
Thanks everyone for the helpful comments - I tried to fix the pelvis and some of the other shading, and now I'm just worried the skull looks too shiny in comparison. Any further suggestions?
The pelvis looks excellent now!
If you want to reduce the shininess of something, make the highlight larger and less intense. I agree that the skull does look oddly "polished" compared to the rest of him. :)
Great use of layers btw. Nice and clean... I did a quick edit though as to me the initial design is a little sloppy and rushed... Missing a joint for the knees will make animation of the skeleton rather hard, so I added knees and reworked the boots a little to match the stance. The shield and weapon feel too small and posture too straight... I replaced the ripcage with just the front elements and added shoulder blades and collar bones to the design...
I hope you don't mind... I just think it's easier to show rather then use a lot of words...
Here's the svg file:
Bart: Thanks for continuing to comment! Defining how to make highlights right, in words, is actually really helpful (I can look at it and know it's wrong, but not why/how to fix it).
SpriteAttack: Wow! I can learn so much from that edited version! I love all of the changes, but especially the sword (shape and shininess), and the eyes, and teeth, and the fingers, and the legs, and the depth/form the new rib/shoulderblade design gives it... Thanks for the comments - they help a lot too. With your permission, I'd like to either create a new opengameart submission featuring the edited skeleton or update this one, marking you as a collaborator.
No worries, mate. I am glad my edit did help. Feel free to use it any way you want, I am fine with it.