Blender2.5 Human Rig
Monday, August 2, 2010 - 07:34
Art Type:
Took the human meta rig in blender 2.5 and IK'd it and set everything up ready for posing and animating
Now you just need a mesh to put over it :)
Enjoy :)
Play around with it to find out which bones move what but its pretty straight forward
Any questions im usually in IRC chat.

One technical question: Have you though about how the bones will export to a game format that includes skeletal animations?
I am still scratching my head regarding that issue (since I am really no expert on that)... You really don't want to have all the helper bones also exported, and things like spine IK will probably not be exported at all.
Maybe you will have to create a separate skeleton that is FK animated by following a rig like the one above...who knows. But I would be happy if someone could help me find a good solution.
All the models and rigs i contribute to OGA are for a current project im working on in my free time. I use Unity 3d as my game engine and the blender to unity importing is excellent, It imports the model rig and all the saved animations ready to use. Just need to set a script up to bind animations to keybinds or for instance with the Idle animation i use, it just plays when the character isnt moving :) What do you mean by "Game Format"?
In the case of gpu skeleton acceleration the only bones that get on the gpu are the weighted bones and those bones connected to the weighted bones(parent or child I believe)
Best bet is to have 2 rigs the fk and ik and one middle weighted rig with no helper bones and just copy rotates the fk and ik and does blending between them and you should have no problem
However there is a limit to the number of bones it can skeletal animate on the gpu so the spline ik in the spine and arms and neck isn't a good idea
The hands aren't looking good either
Ahh ok that brings some light into the issue.
So if I have a simple rig (I think older GPUs can support something like 30 bones) that "copy-rotates" a more advanced rig like the one above and only the former is weighted to the mesh, then the advanced rig never actually gets exported into a format like .md5?
In that case using spline ik and such shouldn't matter either right?
I rigged the hands on this armature to actually be easier to make more organic looking poses, if you play with the hand rig, rotating the upper pinky bone on the "normal" xaxis will actually make all the other fingers move slightly to give the hand a more relaxed look. Learned this in a tutuorial from David Ward. The human model rdy for animation i submitted is using this rig, you can mess with it :)
In sauerbraten case(where I got the info about skeletal animation from erihu)the average is about 60-70 bones,there was a way to add more bones but I don't remembered it and probably is complicated
As for the spline ik is basicly allot of bones in as small amount of space all with there own rotation so I don't think you can us copy rotation to translate it into a single bone
Also I don't know if the other helper bones ik and fk gets exported and are in the other format BUT it doesn't matter as the gpu only cares about weighted bones position and rotation
Made a new topic for further discussion: