32px RPG Clutter/Icons (plus 64px book stack)
This pack contains 32x32 and 32x64 RPG clutter, downsized (in the case of the pickaxe, mangled as well) and colorized from Daniel F. Walthall/Axebane's Free! Fantasy Stock Art.
The pickaxe, which is what I needed the most, I couldn't make look okay, but it'll serve as a placeholder until I actually learn to art. The hammer and scrolls may actually be usable. Also included as a bonus is a stack of books. Maybe you have giants in your game and they need bigger books? Either way, they won't agree to even look like the pickaxe if I downsize them further.
For those curious or interested in modifying the original pack, all of the art looks quite nice downsized to 128x. Going further than that requires some editing.
Clickable link to original pack:https://axebanegames.itch.io/free-fantasy-stock-art

Excellent work. Good amount.
Very nice!! Thanks ;D
Glad you like it!