2D RPG character walk spritesheet
Sunday, April 17, 2011 - 11:24
Art Type:
A 2D RPG character walk spritesheet. I made this sprite for an RPG project that finally won't use it, and since i don't feel like working on it any more, i might as well send it here.

nice sprite, nice movement =) do you have more?
Thank you. I don't have more for now, i'm still quite a pixel noob. I uploaded that one because i thought it didn't look like total garbage, but to be honest i don't even like it myself :)
Soon, i hope, i will have improved enough to be able to upload some cute things here. Meanwhile, thanks for your comment, that's motivating :)
Wow, that's very nice. The animation is more detailed than in most other similar sprites.
I’ve forgotten to log in. >_>
I'm going to use this as stand-in art for a game I'm working on. Thanks so much for releasing this without restiction.
What is the dimensions of the images?
Thanks for this! I used it in my Android game:
Nice work. Can i use this in a platformer game i am making? I will give credit.
Yes you can.
Grazie Arikel, molto carino.
Hey there! Fantastic character sprite. Do you mind if I use this in a game that I may or may not sell? Are you ok with me modifitying it fit my colour pallete and adding things like weapons etc? I will give appropriate credit of course.
No problem at all, use it as you like, modify it whatever way you like, and don't bother too much with credits I don't care (but thanks for asking, that's nice), good luck!
So cute ! going to use this while i learn some tutorials :D thank you <3
Thanks a lot @arikel, remaking this helped me a lot understanding about lighting and movements !
You're awesome sharing this, even if you think it is not polished :)
Damn, 10 years later and I'm still getting thanks for this little spritesheet lol! Well I won't complain, glad you liked it and found it helpful. Cheers!
hahaha, so maybe your piece of art is good after all :)