2D Ancient African Civilization
2D front view buildings and people from an ancient African civilization (generated in GameMaker Studio). The list includes:
- People: Family with cart, woman, woman with jug, woman with donkey, man with jug, man, digging man, cavalry.
- Warriors: Sword cavalry, javelin cavalry, trebuchet, pikeman, javelin thrower.
- Plants: Grass field, grain field, default and palm tree (small and large).
- Buildings: Archery range, stone cutter's shop, blacksmith shop, plant nursery, woodwork shop, shop, potter shop, building with fountain, water well, stable, barracks, houses (big and small), castle, trebuchet factory, market, defense tower, gate, arch, mine.
- Icons (32x32px) for: Road, market, key, house, tree, field, colored shields, castle, axe, stone block, shovel, iron ore, gold coin, sickle, food, wheat, factory...