16x16 Chibi RPG character builder v2 (v3 now available on OGA! See link below)
NOTICE: v3 is here: https://opengameart.org/content/16x16-chibi-rpg-character-builder-v3
Expanded and reorganised version of this: https://opengameart.org/content/16x16-chibi-rpg-characters-with-weapons-...
Everything is in 48x64 blocks.
Layer paint order is as follows:
1. Weapon far (if any)
2. Shield far (if any)
3. Base
4. Clothes OR armour (if any)
5. Hair OR helmet (if any)
6. Weapon near (if any)
7. Weapon hand OR right hand
8. Shield near OR left hand
Use the version of the base which is closest to what is going to be put on top of it.
Some of the designs originally started from work by BilouMaster: https://opengameart.org/content/rpg-asset-pack
See also: https://opengameart.org/content/tiny-magic-glyphs
There's a zip file containing all the files - scroll to the bottom of the list. I like files to be previewable in the browser, but I might think twice before uploading this many files next time!
Check out the links above for some demo animation gifs and a couple of useful extra assets, e.g. weapon slash.

Don't forget that the link and mention to BilouMaster's stuff should (also) be in the Attribution/Copyright Notice section to let people know they need to attribute him as well.EDIT: Fixed, thanks! :)
oh yowza! these guys and gals are begging to go on adventures!
i wish i was a better programmer. this would be a good source for an online chara maker in the vein of lpc sprite sheet generator.
Very cool!
Very nice!
These may be also considered CC-BY 4.0. I posted them in the comments because I didn't want to spend the time yet to integrate them properly into the files in the original submission.
Some more characters, for funses.
Guest appearances by surt's namesake, and also by a certain one-time resident of Tamriel.
These may be also considered CC-BY. I posted them in the comments because I didn't want to spend the time yet to integrate them properly into the files in the original submission.
These may be considered OGA-BY 3.0 (or later). I posted them in the comments because I didn't want to spend the time yet to integrate them properly into the files in the original submission.
Do you mind if I use these spritesheets in a project I'm working on?
@thedanimal Go ahead, it's CC-BY so if you merely link back here in the credits then all is well (y)
I think the reason for asking is because content in the comments have no license.
Perfect! Specifying this on any comment with content you want to share (like you have done already) takes care of it. :) Thanks for sharing the extras! Still, I'm looking forward to seeing how these will eventually be integrated with the rest.
yah i have had issues with seeing people posting derivs in comments that i wanna use, but no license is in comment and trying to track someone down who posted a deriv in 2014 is like impossible.
i really do love this asset though, and as i said before, i think it would make for a good asset maker type web app. it is something i ahve thought about every time i see this asset. i just have no experience points in web app programming.
i'm gonna have to put these cutie charas into a game. they need to be adventuring.
Minotaur! Because any fantasy realm requires a good supply of bull shit.
OGA-BY 3.0 (or later) for these. Note that I usually only make things CC-BY rather than OGA-BY if I think that they might still have some significant pixels in them from a CC-BY source. Most of the CC-BY stuff in this post has that license only because it still contains the skeleton character and some of the hair styles from BilouMaster's CC-BY original. In the case of this character I'm pretty sure there's nothing from BilouMaster in it other than the generic style.
More minotaur variations. OGA-BY 3.0 (or later).
Newer version here: https://opengameart.org/content/16x16-chibi-rpg-character-builder-v3
Use the new one! It has more stuff!
Another reminder that there is an expanded version: https://opengameart.org/content/16x16-chibi-rpg-character-builder-v3
I see y'all still landing on this one because it has all the faves.