1-Bit Doomgeon Kit
Monday, November 13, 2023 - 00:02
Art Type:
Simple asset pack consisting of a tileset plus a few animated characters and items that I hope can be useful to people.
32x32 Characters - some good and evil to tell tales and fight battles.
- Hero
- Heroine
- Skelet
- Spear Skelet
- Sword Skelet
- Pumpkin
24x24 Items - enough to add some spice.
- Key
- Potion
- Shield
- Sword
16x16 Tiles - a whole set to build all sorts of rooms.
- Walls
- Floors
- Corners
- Gates
- Characters and items come with a simple four frame, front facing animation.
- Characters and items also come with a white outline version.
- Sheets and single PNGs available.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Much appreciated but not required. You can credit me as BUTTERHANDS or link to my Itchio page: butterhands.itch.io, whichever you prefer. Cheers!

Great, characterful animation on the characters!
Thank you for the kind words!
Beautiful work, thank you very much. It could perhaps be used for some Arduboy game :)
I'm flattered, thank you.
I would be delighted if anyone were to use my art for any sort of project! Cheers
This work is very interesting!
I'm will try to use it for my game... But if you have ideas for the game. I can make it using your notes.
I'm sorry, I don't speak English well. But if you don't understand anything, you can translate this massage:
Ваша работа прекрасна!
Я попробую использовать это для своей игры...
Но если у вас есть идеи, которые вы бы хотели, чтобы я реализовал, то вы можете рассказать их мне!
A+, intelligent work.