[LPC] Crops
- Amazing Stuff
- Animated top down creatures.
- Area tokens (PixelArt)
- Asset inspo
- Brothers' Odyssey
- Civsimstrategy
- Comb Hair
- Dream 2D Game Art
- EW 2021
- Exterior
- Farm assets
- FarmMon
- Food
- Harvest Moon Roguelike
- Impyrean options
- Inspiration
- LittleBoxes
- LPC - Outdoor Tiles
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- LPC Collection
- LPC Commissioned
- LPC RPG Assets
- LPC Tiles
- LPC World Art
- LPContemporary
- MedievalThings
- MedievL Sequence
- others
- PawMon LPC
- Pumpkin Quest
- Random
- RpgMakerAssets
- Sample Sprites Collection
- Tale of Two Lands
- The Huge Food Collection
- The Legendary Apple Tree
- Top Down RPG Pixel Art
- topdown tiles
- Useful
- Vanguard
- [LPC] Collection
- [LPC] Farming
5-frame Growing animations for 50 fruit/vegetable crops, in the style of the Liberated Pixel Cup. Animations follow the same format as Daneeklu's originals (which are all included, in some cases substantially redrawn). Original food items are from the [LPC] Food set. Additional licenses available for some objects (in particular, several sprites are CC0). See CREDITS-crops.txt. Fruiting trees are included in a separate set. This set was kindly commissioned by castelonia for Herodom. If you would like to to sponsor animations for the remaining fruits and vegetables (or for other projects!), send me a private message.
Update 2021-01-24 (v2): Added 17 new crops. Thanks castelonia for continuing to support this work!
Update 2022-10-28 (v2.1): updated CREDITS-crops.txt and clarified attribution instructions.

If I ever get back into remixing LPC stuff, it will be totally your fault.
I love your stuff ... and farming :D
I adore your remixing skills.
Damn, that really makes me think if you can get farming working in flare :/
...So, two things:
This is really beautiful. Good job.
Thank you! MedicineStorm, castelonia is using them in Herodom! https://sites.google.com/view/herodom/home But I would love to see a Liberated Stardew Valley game ;-) Let me know what else you need...
I'm useing a couple of things from you and daneeklu here https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/814513?updated=1631682608 and put your credits in the description, I just wanna make sure I understood the copy right stuff right. If I got anything wrong, like the credits need to be in the game, just lmk.
Nice game Rarefusion! :) I did notice that what you missed in your credits is listing the licenses for the assets. For instance, instead of Bob's Hoe, created by Bob, it should be: Bob's Hoe, created by Bob and licensed under CC-By-4.0. I did have some suggestions for your game as well. It would be nice to have music and sound effects in game, to help keep the player interested. This track here, for instance, really fits the mood of your game.
Love it! I'm sure it's on here and I just missed it, but are the soil/grass tiles available as well?
https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-farming-tilesets-magic-animations-an... I think, that's what "Daneeklu's originals" is supposed to link to
Basxto is correct, thanks! Fixed the link.
hello can i add this to my commercial game with the credits?
@Goddessakura: everything on this site can be used in commercial games, as long as you're adhering to the license terms. Sometimes the license terms mean you have to give credit, sometimes it means you have to share any derivatives you make under the same license, but the terms never mean "can't be used in a commercial game". Let us know if you have any questions about specific licenses.
What does LPC mean? Is it something about the license?
LPC = Liberated Pixel Cup. An art contest from back in the day. Anything with an "LPC" tag means "this art is made in the Liberated Pixel Cup style and is intended to be compatible with other LPC-tagged artwork" https://lpc.opengameart.org/static/LPC-Style-Guide/build/index.html
It is only tangentially related to the licenses. The original LPC contest artworks were all licensed CC-BY-SA and GPL. Both licenses require all derivatives to be under the same license. The assets above utilized some of the original LPC artowrk (or derivatives of derivatives of the original LPC artwork) therefore, the licenses on the above assets must also be CC-BY-SA and GPL.
Wow this is great except for this little line here:
See CREDITS-crops.txt. You MUST include all information in this file.
You want me to include all 901 words in my credits? I'd love to give you credit (along with the dozens of other authors who've helped me), but all 901 words? That's over twice as much information as all my other authors combined.
Have I misunderstood your preferences?
@1800theWolf: In a similar fasion to how this submission refers to the CREDITS-crops.txt for its credit information, you may be able to refer to the same file within your credits screen. Something like:
Often, such credits files are used to list the credit that is due to every author that contributed to a work. These weren't just made by bluecarrot16 alone. Every author that helped must be credited in order to use the assets.
In this case, however, there are extra details in the credits file (beyond just attribution information) that are there to help you determine the best license and attribution, depending on which parts you plan to use. If you plan to use the entire set, or if you just want to keep things simple by crediting all the authors regardless of which subcomponents you actually end up using, the first 20 lines of the file should be sufficient. Or this:
About 50 words. It's possible to reduce that further based on which parts you actually use, but for that you'll have to read and understand what the credits file is telling you, and not just count how many words it has in it. :P
@medicinestorm Thanks for the clairification! I didn't think I could just reference the text file in my credits. This was very helpful, thanks!
Sure! Keep in mind you're only able to reference the text file in your credits IF your players are able to access the text file. If they can't get to the game files directly, you can't use this method. If they download your game, the text file needs to be downloaded with it and they have to be able to easily open it. having to hunt for a buried file within my android phone's obscure file system is not really viable. Better would be if the game opens the text file for the user when they tap on "see CREDITS-crops.txt" on the screen.
Thanks for pointing this out; MedicineStorm is right and I have clarified as such in the attribution instructions. Let me know if this is still unclear.
bluecarrot16 how can I contact you?
Did you try "Send this user a private message"?
Yes, but he has been offline for a long time and I don't know if he will answer me there. I need his email.
Did you try donating to his Ko-fi page linked in his profile? I'm pretty sure that automatically gives direct access to his private discord.
I'll check if that's how it works. Thanks for the tip ;)
Hello, I am still here and alive! Anyone looking to reach me can send me a private message here on OGA or send me a message on Ko-fi!