MiniWorld Sprites
Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 12:54
Art Type:
- 2D RPG tower defense tactics
- AshenFarms
- Assorted_Art_Assets_Collection
- AW
- CF Inspiration
- Civsimstrategy
- Complete art kits
- fheros2 libre assets
- Game Art Packs
- Libre VCMI
- My OGA Favorites
- QuestTown prototype
- Ragnar's CC0 Bag of Holding
- Space Thingy
- Tilesets and Backgrounds (PixelArt)
- [Airos] [16x] Retro Game Sprites
Feel free to use this for your game (commercially or not).
Feel free to creatively modify these sprites however you like.
All kinds of criticism are welcome.
Please help me by sharing and rating this asset.
Here is the Mini World Building Sprites Guide.
No need to give me credit but I would appreciate it :D
Here is my page.
Characters: 70+
Buildings: 135+
Nature: 10
Tiles: 5
Icons: 46
Misc: 20

wow this is nice
thnx man, cheers!
Incredible work!
The previews only show a fraction of what's here. The itch page gives a more comprehensive demo of it.
I suggest some new tags: 16x16, RPG, Fantasy, Overworld, Zelda, Top-down,Top down, Map, Tiles, Characters, Monsters, Orcs, Dragons, Pirates, Buildings, Tower defence
alright thnx for the help man
Nice assets!
Wow thanks a lot for these and also the generous Licence.
Wow this made my day, thanks so much for sharing this under CC0 man, I completely love this kind of graphics, it's very skillfully done and shared selflessly. Great job sir.
thnk u mates ^^
i love your artstyle
Thanks again Shade, this is one of my favorite asset packs. I hope you keep drawing!
Thanks a lot Shade for your impressive pack ! I stared to use it in one of my games.
Witch sprites should I use to animate the axeman ax swing to the West, East and North ?
I saw this article about procedural generation of 2d maps using perlin noise:
then I found this javascript implementation of the perlin noise:
So I made this random map generator with this graphics kit:
reload the page to have a different map.
Hi, I made another version of the demo just above, but using the kenney's 1bit-pack graphics:
If someone has an idea of game to do from this point, please share.
Here is the link to the game I made using your great tileset:
Thanks again :-)