496 pixel art icons for medieval/fantasy RPG
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - 13:07
Art Type:
- 03. Pixel Art - Items
- 2d
- 2D - Items
- 2D assets
- 2D stuff
- 2D::Icon/Item/Equip
- Area tokens (PixelArt)
- Arenomai
- Art for Undying Dusk PDF game
- Asteria
- Awesome Game Art
- C0 fantasy modern game
- cc-by-3 possible game kits and gfx
- CC0
- CC0 artwork
- CF Inspiration
- Consolidated
- Cool Things
- D-RPG (Art/Music Assets)
- Fantasy
- Food Pixel Art (CCO)
- Game Art
- Game Assets
- Generic Art Collection
- Golden Axe
- Good CC0-Art
- GUI Elements
- Icons
- Impyrean options
- Items
- lich stuff
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- Medicine's disordered list of Fantasy RPG Tilesets
- Medicine's vault of RPG icons
- Medieval
- Medieval Game
- Misc Cool Art
- MoonCrossing
- My favorites
- Pixel art
- Pixelart
- pixelart-game
- Pool: Icons (GDN)
- QnD001 Assets
- Rockwood village
- RPG Art
- RPG Games
- RPG Items
- RPG Stuff
- Slappa Assets
- Sprites
- Stendhal
- Stendhal Potential
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- To Consolidate
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Treasure Pixel Art (CCO)
- Trevas
- Turn Based Overhead
- Twitch
- UI / GUI
- UI Elements
- Use
- User Interface (UI) Art Collection
- Zed: AM: Top-Down
- Zelda Like RPG
- [Airos] [32x] Retro Game Sprites
This set is a combination of the original 420 pixel art icons for RPG, plus two expansions that the author did at a later point. I renamed some of the icons, so that the whole set has the same naming convention.
I had to remove some icons that were not compatible with the Public Domain license, since they were derivative works from copyrighted games. Everything has been repacked as .zip, for those of you who can't uncompress .rar or 7z.
Original sets:

Woah. 7Soul1 released these as CC0 now?
@MedicineStorm Yep, the three original sets have that license stated in their DA pages. Also, @capbros contacted the author and he said:
"Sorry, the stuff on opengameart.org was submitted by someone else so it's outdated by 2 years :/. The correct licence is the one on deviantart, which is Public Domain. I changed the licence because all I wanted was to make the icons free, and the CC-BY 3.0 licence was causing too much of a hassle".
Fantastic! Thanks!
@gnola14: thanks for putting this together!
As a shameless plug for 7soul, you can purchase his latest pack of 1400 icons along with a host of other good works here:
Yeeeeeeees! Those come just in time! Thank you.
He also made this one and released as public domain http://7soul1.deviantart.com/art/Small-Icons-Arena-138352710
A word of warning though; most of artists think that public domain means something like OGA/CC BY
Thank you !
i will use that a lot!
@capbros: My pleasure! BTW, those are some really nice icons.
@mold: Yes, I saw them. He also has a set of sprites and tiles for a space game, released as Public Domain as well. Regarding the warning, I think you might be right, but in this particular case, I'm pretty sure he knew what he was doing.
Oh, I plan to do the -BY thing anyway, even with CC0 stuff. I wasn't able to use it before now because the licensing on the original posting here seemed poorly researched. GPL and CC-BY-SA? It didn't seem to match what 7soul actually wanted, so I was skeptical. Besides, there was indication on 7Soul's DA page hinting at -NC dirivative works mixed in. I loved the icons, but seemed like a risk.
Now, however, it is right from the artist's mouth which license should be used. Furthermore, 7Soul removed any icons from the pack that might be derived from -NC works. WOOHOO!
EDIT: @capbros: Thanks for that shameless plug. Those are some pretty great art packs. And very affordable, too.
Great contribution ! I bought 7Soul's sets of resources from other sites, and the quality and variety is exceptional :D
Thank you for compiling these into an updated package!
Thank you, a lot of Potions with nice pixel arts fantasy effect ; I'll use them for sure on http://www.peppercarrot.com sooner or later :)
Thank you.
I love it! Thank you for the pack.
thank you : )
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
These icons are stunning! Infinite thanks for making them available under the CC0 license! I've just credited the Artist in a tweet because I'm using some of these icons for a new game called "Vocabulary RPG" or "Vocab RPG" (name undecided): https://twitter.com/thejamespierce/status/1062453710691987458
Hey I'm commenting again just to let let you know that the game is online now and these beautiful icons are used throughout the game! It's an Online RPG about catching Monsters & collecting Vocabulary cards. I added your name & url to the Credits.
You can check out the game here: http://browsergameshub.com/gameapps/VocabRPG/
And this is a little YouTube Trailer I made: https://youtu.be/BwgMt5l4a64
Thank you again!!
I used the fish-on-a-stick & hand mirror sprites in my game: https://lucas-c.itch.io/undying-dusk
Thank you!!
Those are some really great icons. The 34 by 34 size made them very easy to use in 32x32 buttons. So I used a few in my game.
I used these icons for creating RPG inventory tutorial. in that tutorial, I created grid inventory system for RPG games. Thank you for sharing!