Behrs 2,500 Pixel Battle Axes 32x32 Archive
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 - 13:00
Art Type:
Hey guys, i've been spriting for some years now, im uploading my archive totally free in the public domain. This is one part of many uploads. This Pack contains 2500 Unique Battle Axes, 32x32. Enjoy! there is 1 sprite sheet with all sprites, and individual archives with individual sprites for each as well.
I love this website and I hope to give back what has been provided to me :)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Public Domain

i get the idea and i like r.n.g. but
procedurally generated =/= unique
it woud be more useful to give the parts used to make each one insted of a bunch of pregenerated wepons with a color change on them
prolly dont need 4 different uploads either tbh
just make one "shit-ton of fantasy wepons 32x32" upload
or better yet just one upload of all the _parts_ and let me put them together in my game
cool concept tho
Thanks for your comment. I cannot provide "parts" because thats not how these were made, if you look closely each and every weapon is different, that preview image with the larger axes is just one of the axes in different colours for example. The sprite sheet is comprised of entirely different sprites, the other packs are the same.
yea i get how they are all differnt but tbh they are also all pretty much the same
maybe someone else could use more of these but i just dont see much variety across 2500 axes sorry
i guess i feel like the kind of ppl that need art here are already good at procedural generation and can maake their game make the wepons on demand
prolly 5 are different enough to use but 2500 of almost the same wepons is just using up spritesheet space wen they can just use a script
dont want to drive you away cause your art is good and your sharing for free sorry if this comes off as rude
No worries i don't find you rude, i do appreciate your comments. But I implore you to reconsider, zoom in close on the sprite sheet you will see that the handles pommels and peices between the blades are all different, its just the blades that are the same general shapes
Also to respond to the multiple posts part, i have more packs to upload consisting of monster eggs, metal bars, ores and shields. Thats ganna take me a few days to compile together so i thought id just upload what was ready instead of waiting
i was just saying about 5 unique ones meaning the basic recognizable shape is only about 5
i zoomed in on the preview image and i woud say the axes kind of repeat every 5 columns
double square blade
double tapered blade
single tapered blade
single tapered blade with rounded top
single triangle blade
the colors and shafts and the other differences are not really very different enough for my eye to care
like this has less than 100 axes but my eye can tell exactly the difference between them right away that is all im saying
the part about multiple post is not a big deal if your posting one new upload a day but 4 all at once could all be together as one big upload of 10000 wepons axes stafs swords spears all together but hey im not admin so prolly ignore this part haha
Yeah the columns werent supposed to be setup like that, in each archive is a different quality (less adorned to most) but they jumbled when i used a spritesheet tool, so its not a repeating every 5 columns deal its just not being displayed from low to high
yes i know the zip files have a lot more then preview does but my point is their all _technically_ unique but most of them _look_ the same
i bet i could make 2500 _unique_ axes from the ones in my link just by shifting the hue and messing with saturation and swapping around the shafts but it doent make them _different_ enough to be very more useful anyone can do that kind of stuff in a 2 minutes so it doent save most downloaders very much time for what they could do on their own with less axes
Yes its not useful to you, hopefully it will be to others.
Amazing art!. im going to use it my game