[LPC] Containers
- 2d RPG (LPC)
- 2Use4CG
- AshenFarms
- asian collection
- Brothers' Odyssey
- BunchOfHeroes
- Comb Hair
- Encyclopedia Hortica Botanica | A farming game made with Godot and LPC assets
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- Farm assets
- Gobland Prototype Assets
- Harvest Moon Roguelike
- Impyrean options
- LPC - Special effects
- LPC Collection
- LPC RPG Assets
- LPC Tiles
- LPContemporary
- maybe assets for Treasure (+other)
- PawMon LPC
- RPG Game
- RpgMakerAssets
- Tale of Two Lands
- topdown tiles
- Vagabond's assets
- [LPC] Collection
Boxes, crates, barrels, sacks, baskets, pots, glass- and copper-ware, in the style of the Liberated Pixel Cup.
Usage: containers.png contains the "empty" containers. In some cases, separate lids are included which can be overlaid in a separate layer. Many of the containers are a standard size/position, allowing them to hold many types of objects that are also a standard size. In particular, compatible containers (mostly the crates) are designed to hold any of the items from https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-food (fourth row). The third preview image shows some colorful veggies in each position where they can be accommodated. The chests also have a standard size, represented by the gold treasure in the same preview image. For the glassware, there are several recolors for the "contents," which can be overlaid atop the glassware to fill it with liquid (see second preview image for example). I intend to consolidate these into one image in the future, once the glassware items are finalized. Please let me know if you have questions or feedback. This set is a WIP. A separate glassware style will be uploaded shortly in case the blue glassware is too bubbly-looking for you. Future additions to include more glassware, possibly more/fancier chests, and prefab arrangements of objects to better fit on tables/shelves. A dedicated alchemy set is probably also inevitable.
Preview contains items from other submissions and numerous other authors, namely https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-colonial-buildings, https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-terrains, https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-medieval-village-decorations, https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-windows-doors, and https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-food . These are NOT part of this submission and should be attributed separately!
2021-06-09 (v4.1): Updated credits; initially missed Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier (TheraHedwig)--sorry about that!!
2022-01-03 (v4.2): Added oblique crates and a few other objects.

Great work!
Great stuff as always.
The cans and metal crates extend LPC nicely for scifi and postapocalyptic settings, love that.
For some bottles I'm not sure whether they are standing or lying.