Animated Roguelike/RPG Monsters from Eman Quest
Monday, August 5, 2019 - 20:39
Art Type:
A collection of 16x16 roguelike monsters, some based on @JoeCreates's "Rogulike Monsters" art:
I created these for my procedural RPG, Eman Quest ( These are scaled up to 64x64, but can be shrunk to 16x16 if you wish.
These are all recoloured using the Endesga36 palette. There are some plain recolours (eg. Toxitail) and some animated ones (mostly 3-frames, with one 4-frame animation).
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Copyright NightBlade9 ( Original art copyright Joe Williamson.
AntipodeMage.xcf 34.2 Kb [364 download(s)]
Final boss.xcf 16 Kb [271 download(s)]
FlameTail.xcf 2.2 Kb [307 download(s)]
FlameTail v2.xcf 13 Kb [287 download(s)]
Toxitail.xcf 4.9 Kb [303 download(s)]
FlameTail as a PNG -- I needed it so thought I'd post in case someone else found it useful.
I used this art as part of a class project in the video game design class I teach at my school. The art was offered with the SA requirement and we made some pallet swaps and removed the fire tail to demonstrated when the snake could vs. could not shoot fire so uploading the pallet swaps. It is upscaled a bit. Sharing the modified version.