Proto Morgan
Render for a convo avatar for the NPC "Goldman Morgan" ( , the banker of the dark lord, heh
The charactermodels, i'm not sure yet, but if i do i'd like to find a license that allows me to require that the lore and background per character are kept, if they appear in other worlds or stories, if necessary adapted to the 'dystopian' version but i would like them to be themselves, wherever they go (facial expresssions i might do those as stills though)
Takes hella-time to render on these ancient machines here :p any props or anims for sprites i probably will just put on with the only requirement linkback to the game site, currently at
(no intention to pay for a server while it's in dev-mode lol)

Please add commas to your tags. See for more information.EDIT: thanks! :)
Good contribution
@medicinestorm : on it ... the curse of the site admin huh ;-)
@snabisch : Thankssss!!!!