FLARE-compatible (ish? maybe?) Gem Inventory Icons
Edit: note, this is the non-sucky version! I forgot how badly calibrated my PC monitor was, so I couldn't see all the bad cutting. Oops.
This is somethign I've been wanting to do for a while. Here are some various gems I photographed and fit into FLARE's standard 64x64 black box. I collect gems and minerals (indeed, you may have seen one of my many obnoxious links to my jewelry shop), so the opaque gems pictured in FLARE's inventory didn't quite do it for me (no offense to the amazing Clint, ofc). These may or may not be usable--they're more proof-of-concept shots which I took quickly on a dying camera battery, but they cover a relatively wide spectrum of gems (though I haven't hit any of the really big names yet). If there's any more interest, I may do more. I may also do more if there's no interest, because I like doing it. Only time will tell. If there's any gem in particular you want pictured post it in the comments.
Gems pictured: titanite/sphene, amethyst, citrine, moonstone, topaz and tourmaline.
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Nice. However the Amethyst looks to bright? in the middle (white octo-shape?). Reflection gone bad?
Although you could use them as store for value in Flare, or maybe use them as "soul stones" to recharge or craft magical weapons.
Yeah, that's a crazy highlight. My camera battery is charging, I'll get a better one next time I take photos.
OK, these are awful. I have no idea why I put these up. I'll try and get a better set up later!