Torch(From my game "Radya:Visions From The Past")
Thursday, January 25, 2018 - 02:30
Art Type:
3D model that I made for my game "Radya:Visions From The Past":
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
I set it as public domain BUT please, if you use it on your projects give a link to my portfolio:

Beautiful work!
Great! Truly amazing model. But I must ask, "I set it as public domain BUT please, if you use it on your projects give a link to my portfolio", so why set it as public domain?
The model is mine but its design is not. I took a picture from the internet and made a 3d model for practice. That´s why I leave it as public domain. You can do whatever you want with it but it would be nice to get credit for it.
Dude, if you need any attribution, you should post your work as CC-BY, instead of CC0. This will prevent us from wasting time manually deleting it from our CC0 search. We appreciate your understanding. By the way, that's a nice work. Cheers.