Battle Theme A
- !Project::KISS Armored Battle
- 4j
- Action/Adventure/Battle/Fantasy music
- AK Game Audio
- AnyRPG Battle Music
- Art With (Open) Character
- CC0 - Cinematic Music
- CC0 Fantasy Music & Sounds
- CC0 Music
- CC0 Music
- CC0 Music
- CFJam2023
- Cinematic Music CC0
- Corsairs !
- Dark Fantasy
- Epic Fantasy Music
- Fantasy_Music_Collection
- Fire Emblem Three Houses
- Free Music
- Game Art
- Good CC0-Art
- kq-fork music
- Markiplier Fan Game
- Match3 Assets
- maybe assets for Treasure (+other)
- Music
- Music
- Music
- Music - Epic
- Music - Hero
- Music fantasy
- music-normal
- my collection
- NecroPunk
- Public Domain Music I like
- QnD002 Assets
- RPG Battle Themes
- RPG Música
- RPG Songs
- RPG::Music::Battle
- RPG_Assets_Collection
- shattered realms music
- SpaTacS
- Stirling Music
- Tavern Project
- The Best of OGA Music
- Truly Truly Public Domain
- Vagabond's music
- СС0 Favourites

Epic battle theme for RPG. Some pretty epic strings and horns here will add a lot of excitement to your game or projects! CC0 Public Domain license is the best!
This is for my game Pixelsphere I'm sharing some of my assets (art, sound effects and music) with the community to thank you for all the great content you have contributed. Let me know which works you find useful and I will share more similar content.
My game and soundtrack are 100% free -- there's over 50 great songs on the soundtrack, plus I have more fun trance/ambient music on for free --- you can stream it on my website anytime with the built in player.
I also made 40 Sonic The Hedgehog remixes in trance/ambient style you can stream them or download all of them free:
Please contact me if you use my music, I'd love to see your project and give you a shoutout on my website! Much of the music on you may use for free in your game if you contact me for permission and join my mailing list:

Love the track, though I'm hesitant to use CC-BY-SA for some of my later works. Granted, for my later works I'd rather have original soundtracks anyway. Might be interested in using some of this for my early free games I'm planning (eventually I want to start doing bigger, commercial RPG games, but I've realized I can't start off doing this and its too much work for a first project).
WOw, I like this composition
This is amazing. End of story.
Anyhow, I would use this if I could use if commercially, the CC-BY-SA 3.0 liscense is a little too restricting for me at the moment. If you could remove that one, keeping the CC-BY 3.0 liscense, I would use it in my game, with credit. Rigtht now my game is in develiopment, and it may not come into anything, but I would like to keep my options open.
Thank you for considering, but it's your choice in the end.
- The Programm3r,
Awesome, I'll use it! but my game isn't complete yet.
I notice when the demo is uploaded.
Easily the best RPG battle theme on OGA right now. Although it is not exactly the style I am looking for in my current production, I think it would work well for a future production I am planning.
A wonderful theme!
I used this song for the trailer of my new RPG:
Thank you!
hey guys I changed the license.
Absolutely awesome!
love this track! will post a link to the game I'm using it for when it exists :)
love it too!!, probably i will use it in my game and i will post a link here too.
but my game is at a very very early stage (no player yet) and and even not published yet.
Thank you for this cool track! I used this for my 3D Android Game "Armada"
I created an Android game called Falling Blocks and used this audio for my music
The link to the google play store, and credit is provided at this link below
Very cool track!
We have used your music piece in a trailer for a game called Barcrawler.
Thank you
Diamond Sky Games
Used this absolutely amazing track in one a Public Domain sound track video on YouTube. Thanks for the upload!
Mine is a non profit project. I think This is an extremely good piece for an Rpg preparing for Battle war scene. Love to use this tune in my game.
Game project:
I love this music. ^^
And It's is possible that you will use in my youtube channel.
Hi cynicmusic, ^^
Used your incredible song in this short story in my youtube channel.
Your song is very very very epic!!!
Kindest regards.
Looks like this may be one of my themes for my WIP, a Match3 game.
It is possible I may use this in my upcoming game, for now, it is in development and under project PTQD
Hi cynicmusic I used your music as backgroundmusic for my youtube video about a plastic model:
Hey I used this song and Awake! in my second android game and added you in credits.
Check it out:
Thank you for this epic track :)
I used it in my new Android minigame Nuke Defender (and also I added you as author in credits)
If you like to check this game:
Hope you like it :)
Best regards
HI, i am developping a game with your sound and if you want i can send you the game in private because is not finish yet. Or i can just send you the link when i finish it.
Have a good day ;) nice song
Excellente musique,
Je l'ai utilisée pour un vidéo, voici le lien :
J'ai mis votre site dans les crédits.
i like this , and i want to use it for our company prodution video
Somehow i start thinking Final Fantasy, awesome music.
Man... regains composure... This battle tune is staggeringly epic; so, so nice. Thank you _/|\_
Hi... I want to use this in my game project. Can I get your permission?
@dzulgunar: Permission has already been given. This is licensed CC0. You already have permission to use everything on this site. See FAQ
Hey I used this song in my game's main menu screen. Here you have the link if you want to check it :)
I used your excellent tune for the main menu of my new game Chrono Cup!
I used your amazing music for my youtube video
Thank you for sharing!
Exactly as the title says, perfect boss music.
I've included this asset in the AnyRPG Engine. Its been featured in a YouTube livestream at and you've been added to both the in-engine credits, and the credits at used your track here. Thanks for sharing, very much inspiring! Credited of course.
Here is a link to the game I made with very basic knowledge in Unity2D. It's not meant to be a huge game, it was just to practice my skills. I used your song for the second boss.
Thank you! I use this music and some of your other ones in this video:
Incredible Soundtrack, used it for my project
Do you have a non lossy version of this, such as .wav ?
Hello! I would like to contact you! and use your music in our game. Please message me on Instagram mark_godlevsky
wow that's great for action film!
Amazing music bro, i absolutely loved it and i've used it in my official game trailer video on youtube. Check it out --->
This music was absolutely perfect for the title screen of my game. I'm using it here:
Thank you!!!
Thank you for the materials. Just wanna let you know that I use it in my e-book: How I get Tricked By Unity (On Amazon). I have provided a link in the book to this asset. I purposely register this account to say thanks.