[LPC] Wolf Animation
Thursday, January 2, 2014 - 08:28
Art Type:
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This is a commissioned work made by Redshrike. This is an LPC style wolf animation. It includes walking, running, biting, howling, and dying animations. There are a total of 6 colors to choose from, all the same setup.
Adobe Photoshop PSD file by Redshrike added in case anyone wants to mess with making a modified version.
Attribution Instructions:
Attribute Stephen "Redshrike" Challener as graphic artist and William.Thompsonj as contributor. If reasonable link back to this page or the OGA homepage.

Amazing! Just what the LPC needed. Keep up the good work man.
Ideed great work and another great adition to the Sideview enemy list as well.
: P
That's pretty neat Mumu. Any chance you'd be able to make a whole sheet of either?
Nope , sorry.
If anyone else wants to make a modified version I uploaded the PSD file Redshrike gave me. Feel free to remix to your heart's content :)
Just in case Mumu's image gets dumped like I've seen happen to a few other people's images embeded, I've uploaded it as part of this comment
I don't think I see the upward-facing howl.
Implemented in Concordia! You do have to hack your save file (in a text editor) to get a high enough level to use the Summon Wold power, though. Uses latest Flare master.
I like this, the only problem I see from a game developer point of view is the missing description file.
for example, if we have a set of frames, we can drag thm into a sprite sheet tool, and the tool will generate a txt file that will label, and indicate the coordinates of each image, top left X, Y and the width and height, but with these sprite sheets, its hard and time consuming to map them out, fare enough, drawing them is harder, but for the sake of something already done, does any one know of a tool that can be used to map out an existing sheet?
Nice Wolf...
You might look at Texture Packer. That program is designed specifically for what you're describing. It's a commercial product but it has a free trial. It's also pretty cheap so if you like it there isn't a big investment to make.
I've been looking at these trying to figure out if there's a better way to lay them out and still haven't figured anything out. If you or anyone else has a suggestion I'm open to reformatting them and uploading a new layout.
When I first checked out this set I had a little trouble figuring out exactly which frame belongs to which animation set. I am sure it is obvious and I was just being a moron but if anyebody gets a chance maybe they could put labels over an example set for future reference.
yes, I use texture packer, I paid for the pro version, but it doesnt map out an already made sprite sheet, so the easiest way was for me to break the sheet up into individual images and drag them back in.
All animations progress horizontally, left to right. So the first frame is the leftmost frame and onwards to the right.
This is a fantastic dog / wolf tileset. I will use it in my game Aratatatt! Thank you so much! Of course you are in the credits!
No worries lamjot. Just favorite if you like it ;)
Dangit how did I miss this? And this is exactly something I'll be needing as well, wolves will be a common generic enemy I'll have. Great job, Redshrike! (And thanks for commissoning it, William! :D)
You're most welcome. I've also got spiders and demons if you haven't already spotted those. I love the LPC style, it really appeals to my sense of 2D SNES style.
Oh yeah, I saw the Spiders and Demons. I'm just surprised I missed these Wolves. :P
I don't know if anyone is still interested in these but here are my changes. If I can, I will change the full spritesheet to grey.
Good work!
Can I use it in a commercial project, a game that I'm working on.
I'll attribute as suggested.
Best regards!
I used this in my android game UpsideDown. Please check it out on play store.
All the attributions are in Credits section.
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.itcorp.upsidedown
If you like the game, please leave me 5 stars :)
Will use it in my game too, and just checking in to check if that's OK, William?
Here the preview
Hello, i need a wolf sprite like this.
Can i use it commercialy at my game?
how can a refer to you on the credits in the game?
Feel free to use this work in commercial or free projects, no payment required. Use the attribution directions for how to list in your credits. If you use multiple things from my profile you can include a link to my profile instead of links to each individual work or just a link to the oga homepage will suffice.
am i blind or is there only one frame for an upward facing howl?
The wolf looks great!
so if I understand correctly, we are able to use this in our games even if we plan to put that game on steam for example??
I've been trying to make a wolf sprite for the last 10 days with no success whatsoever and this sprite sheet is EXACTLY what I need.
So, I can use this as long as I credit you in my game?