Zelda-like tilesets and sprites
Thursday, February 16, 2017 - 13:35
Art Type:
- !CO Assets
- 16x16 - sprites, tiles, etc
- 16x16 tiles
- 16x16 tilesets
- 16x16 Top down open enviroment
- 2d
- 2D - Complete Kit
- 2D assets topview
- 2d sprites 16x16
- 2D Terrain
- 2D tilesets topview
- 2D::Sprite::Orthogonal
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- A certain vibe for the prototype
- A Pixel Art Collection
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- A Second Pool: Ozymandias
- AK TopDown Asset Packs
- Amazing Stuff
- Antur Resources
- Art assets used in Salam
- Assets for making DOS games or games like in DOS in the early 90's
- Assets I Want to Make Games With
- Awesome
- Awesome Game Art
- BinxQuest
- Book 1 (GDN)
- cc-by-3 possible game kits and gfx
- CC0
- CC0/OGA-BY Pixel Art
- CFJam2023
- Clone: Zelda (GDN)
- Collected
- Comb Hair
- Cool bees
- Cosmic Farms Related
- dog walk
- DOS Ranger
- Farm to Hero
- Favorite Assets
- fheros2 libre assets
- Fishing RPG
- For prototyping purposes only
- Goblin Adventure
- Good Public Domain 2D Art
- Horror assets I found
- HQ 2D & Isometric
- Hunt the Wumpus or Roguelike
- Infinimon - Procedurally-Generated Pokemon- or Digimon-style Game Assets
- Inspirational Assets
- Interesting stuff
- LegendOfMomo
- Libre VCMI
- Low Fantasy Pixel Art
- LOZ Type Stuff
- map sprite
- Mario Bros Art
- Might work with Tuxemon
- MoonCrossing
- Must Use
- Nightlight
- Off The Shelf
- OpenGameArt's Summer Game Jam 2023
- Overworld tiles
- Pixel Art - JRPG
- pixelart-game
- Pool: Fonts (GDN)
- Private Collection
- public domain packs/sets
- QnD002 Assets
- QuestTown prototype
- Ragnar's CC0 Bag of Holding
- reverie lost
- Roguezeldalike
- RPG (non LPC)
- RPG Art
- RPG Tilesets
- rpg-tiny
- Ruby & Majesty: Treasure Team
- Seldon Assets
- Smooth Pixel Art Camera Testing
- Sprites
- stardont
- The Nardrule Heresy
- Thing game assets?
- Tile Sets
- Tilesets
- Tilesets
- Tilesets
- Top 3d Assets
- top down 16x16 pixel art fantasy
- Top down monster game
- Topdown
- TopDown RPG
- Town/Dungeon tiles
- Trevas
- UI
- useful stuff
- Watergun Game
- Zelda
- Zelda Clone
- Zelda Like RPG
- Zelda style tilesets
- СС0 Favourites
16x16 tilesets
-Overworld tileset including castle, houses and some decoration
-Cave tileset
-Indoors tileset
-Character with sword animation and character tamplet
-Effects, objects and UI

Today is a good day for fans of gameboy advance/color style graphics! Thanks for your contribution!
The preview image does not do this pack justice. Excellent work.
Holy hell is this awesome!
No problem. I wasn't going to use these anyway, so instead of just forgeting about them and even possibly losing them forever, i'd rather share them with people.
I love the art of A Link To The Past. Great Job!
CC0? No way. This is a lot of high quality stuff, you deserve credit at the very least.
This is so good! I like the trees so much!
Amazing, thanks for sharing and the CC0 license. I might remake them in vector for my game. Was looking for something zelda-like as an inspiration.
WOW.. simply.. wow..
why am I so bad at level design I want to make something with this ;-;
Good Job!
Likewise, I've got a great start to an engine with it already, but I know I am terrible at level design :/
Signed up just to say this is awesome!
"CC0? No way. This is a lot of high quality stuff, you deserve credit at the very least."
Hopefully most users will give the author credit as a courtesy at least. I know in my unreleased project I keep a credits file that doesn't distinguish between OGA-BY and CC0. If I ever release a beta I'll credit OGA and point to the credits file at a minimum. (Though, as a note to developers, keeps your credits file up to date as you go.)
What good memories that image brings me. Very good work.
Wow this is awesome! I wanted to see what the water animations looked like so I built this gif preview.
@Zabin: Thanks for sharing that!
As knife_drawer_games said, the preview doesn't even begin to do this set justice! There's a font in there, some great UI stuff, a paper backdrop, a LIVING LOG CHARACTER! It goes on and on!
Stupendous! Utterly speechless, this is an amazing collection, thanks so much for sharing!
One small thought, and I am indeed very hesistant to ask for anything more, but any possibility of posting the palette you used for all this? If you happen to have it handy, it'd be great for folks wanting to extend or alter the set.
I REALLLLLY hope to see this built upon, this set is amazing! A handful of enemies and weapons/items would be awesome.
Excellent work, really amazing, keep going and good luck with sprite art! :D
I would love to see additional sprites mainly for some enemies, because this is a beautiful looking set.
Even if it's CC0, we should give credit where credit is due! This pack is awesome. I actually JUST made this account so I can say this is an amazing package.
hey i have a question, how are u guys making the houses and other buildings borders transprent?
Curious now what it would cost to commision some enemies for this set. If anyone is interested, give me a message.
This is a very awesome set, thank you for sharing it with the world. I will add it to my backlog and hopefully find some good use for it.
Good work
thank you : )
I love these. I'd more consider them akin to the tileset used in Earthbound though, rather than Zelda.
This tileset looks wonderful, man.
Nice job!
Amazing assets! Thanks so much.
This is CRAZY, dude! One of the best pieces I've ever seen!
This is incredible, I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw this under public domain. I'm definitely using this in my game. If you're ever bored and end up making some character sheets make sure i'm the first one you hit up.
These are awesome! Almost exactly the style I want for my game. You're a hero.
This guy seems very talented as a pixel artist but, am I the only one who thinks that the trees are too close to the ones of "Zelda Minish Cap"? This is especially noticeable with the trunk trees: although the shading is different, the borders and shapes seem exactly the same to me, which could mean that this is a derivative work of non-free art, and that would be illegal. You can search images with google and compare to see what I mean.
I would recommend to avoid using art that is too close to Nintendo's art (at least in commercial games), because it can be considered as a derivative work of their art, which is not legal and you may get a DMCA. I am mainly referring to the trees appearing in this tileset. I also find a bit suspicious that someone appears, releases a ton of "free" art of very high quality, where part of the art looks suspiciously too close to Nintendo's art, and then disappears. (And he does not even ask for credit! What kind of true artist does that? Does this mean that all his art could be illegal and he does not want credit just to avoid responsibilities if legal action is taken against him? Or is this just me being paranoid? I don't really know..., but better to avoid any risk.) No offense intended.
@Diarandor I understand the concern about trees being too similar visually to Minish Cap's. I don't particularly agree and i don't think Nintendo would bother with DMCA over trees. but i guess i see why you're saying that.
The reason i posted this and then "dissapeared" was because this was a smi-complete set i made for a personal project that never came to be. Figured that instead of just sitting on my computer forever i would just give it away. So i made this account witht the only purpose of posting this set over here. After a while i never came to see what people had commented anymore.
I chose CC0 because i don't quite like this set anymore.
If anyone would be too concerned about my art, they could just contact me on twitter. If you google my username, the first result should be me.
@ArMM1998: Ok, I take away my accusations (I cannot prove anything and do not want to give you problems), and I agree with you that it is unlikely that Nintendo would say anything about this (they are very tolerant), at least for non-commercial games. But I still do not recommend, for other people, to use these trees in commercial games because they are too similar to the ones of Minish Cap. By the way, the quality of this art is really nice, so I do not understand why you do not like it. ^^
@Diarandor No worries! I don't like it anymore because in comparison to what i'm capable of right now, this looks like amateur stuff lol
And i'm not very happy with how the grass turned out
So far my favorite tileset - not overly small, look awesome, big variety of tiles, includes also other game elements and is under CC0 - I can't see how this could get any better.
Perfect thank you.
Hola apenas estoy comenzando en todo el mundo de la programacion y el diseño de videojuesgos por lo que encontre este tile pero la verdad es que es increible y me gustaria usarlo como base para crear un pequeño juego. Este tile me llena de nostalgia con los juegos de mi infancia, gracias
Hi, Krannel. ArMM1998 has licensed this art as CC0. That means you can use this artwork in your game. Use it however you want. :)
this is awesome! wow!
I am quite confused about something, how do you use the roof tiles?
I want to make this look good.
Base sprite is 19 px tall. It was making me twitch so I've made a version 16x16. CC-0 ; if you want to credit, you can credit "ArMM1998 with modifications by greysondn" . Most people won't need the palette it's done in - it's been set to my work's palette.
Not sure if this is how attachments work but hopefully this posts.
Great tileset. I am following a tutorial on YouTube done by Mister Taft Creates. He uses this tileset to create a Zelda-style game in Unity. I just finished part 3 which covers Player sprite animation. I couldn't help but notice a difference in the hands of the second left direction walk sprites compared to the same right direction walk sprites. Thanks so much for making this free to use. I hope someday to be able to create my own full tileset.
Does anyone have an xml file for this?
Did you create your own xml file?
I'd just like to say the tileset is very rich, which can't be seen in the preview images. There are very many outdoor tiles, indoor tiles, item and props sprites and even a character. Here's a little preview of just some tiles, made with Tiled:
..and this is dragon age variant.
Hi there!! Thank you so much for this asset it is very complete and is helping me a lot on my learning of Game Developing :)
I'm currently doing a Zelda-ish game so :)
On another topic and I guess you have a lot of requests and if this is something very difficult to add to the pack forget about it (I thank you either way) would it be possible to add some getting hurt and die animations?
I was able to make a swim animation that mostly uses only the "head" so it's actually really basic but the die and knockback (hurt) animations are more complex for me.
Thank you a lot either way and keep the extremely good work :D
Yo this is awesome! Any chance you can make more in this style? My discord is plapi#9519, please contact me if you can!
This tileset is terrific! Definitely wanting more in this style!