16x16 Game Assets
Saturday, August 13, 2016 - 08:31
Art Type:
- !CO Assets
- 16x16 chibi rogue-like
- 16x16 for voxels
- 16x16 pixel art sprites for a Harvest Moon style game
- 16x16 tiles
- 2d
- 2D assets
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- A Pixel Art Collection
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- A Princess in Fairyland
- Asset inspo
- Assets for making DOS games or games like in DOS in the early 90's
- Asteria
- Awesome
- BinxQuest
- Bogumil's Journey
- cc-by-3 possible game kits and gfx
- CF Inspiration
- Collected
- DOS Ranger
- For future use
- Game Art Inspiration
- Heavy Is The Crown
- Infinimon - Procedurally-Generated Pokemon- or Digimon-style Game Assets
- LegendOfMomo
- long licence fantasy modern game
- MoonCrossing
- Mysterious Sprites and House/Mansion Parts
- No way of losing it!
- other games
- Overworld Map Sprites
- Pixel Art - JRPG
- Quality game assets
- Rabbits game
- Ragnar's CC-BY 4.0 / OGA-BY 3/4 Bag of Holding
- Roguezeldalike
- RPG Tilesets
- Some game
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- Thing game assets?
- Top down monster game
- TopDown RPG
- Watergun Game
Best of luck on your games.
If you'd like a free-to-use and COMPLETELY open-source MORPG engine, check out Intersect, an engine created from scratch in C#! Feel free to stop by our forums if you have any questions or more resources, as we have a great community and would love to see you apart of it! We accept active projects involving game development across the board. >>Boom<<
Donations are optional, please do not feel obligated to donate.
Also, special thanks to Clint Bellanger for the gold coins in the button, you can find his profile by clicking > here <
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
All I ask is for you to credit "George Bailey" and link back to this page.

cool, i like the walls from the lower right image. i have planned to add some parts in a tileset, that is made from the best parts of different tilesets.
Amazing !! Thanks for sharing ;D
yes this looks really good thanks!
This is some pretty amazing stuff. I especially like all the house stuff and the cliffs. They would be perfect with infinite middle tiles for making them infinitly high and with the bottom tile more seemlessly fitting the upper tile, so you can have lower 2 tile cliffs too and not only 3 tile ones. Also, i think the grass doesn't really match them - with it's Sword of Mana-like brightness it delivers a different style.
Unfortunately the trees are too small if your goal is a style for 24x32 characters (like the old snes rpg s). They should be twice or triple as big in comparison with the character you included. For 16x16 roguelike characters it would be okay though. The cave walls are much too low too, they should be more like the cliffs to match their style, especially their height. Same goes for the tiny cave entrances, your character would have to crawl to enter them, like rabbit holes.
All in all, you seem to be very talented and i'm waiting eagerly to see more from you! Thanks for the upload :)
P.S.: Your blue donate button uses the coins from Clint Bellanger's treasure icons. Be cool and mention him and his license. :)
Thanks everyone for the kind replys and feedback. I most likley will not be updating this specific post however I will be making more to go along with this style in the furture so keep your eyes on it ;)
Thank you for mentioning that I actually forgot were I had found the coins was going to check my history when I woke up ;) Edited the first post to give him his rightful credits.
Fortunately people can take your work and extent it. *hint hint :D
Looking forward to see more cool stuff of yours! :)
This is so sexy. It's just... wow!
plagiarizing Sogomn: "It's just... WOW!"
very nice work!
Simply awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Can I use these tilesets in my new RPG? Also do I only have to credit you if I use them?
Yeah feel free to use them. I have updated the first post to clarify on the credit situation.
Will you make more indoor sprites of the same style in the future?
In the set there is a few already made, feel free to use and edit them to your likings.
Here is a example how they work.
You are the best.
Hey George_, is there any chance we can get the colour palette you used?
I'm interested in dabbling and adding to these tiles- it just cuts out the time and makes sure I get all the colours instead of say, hand picking each one.
Ok I have to tell you this again: this is one of the best tilesets i have ever seen here. Thank you very much!
I second what ILIKESCIFI wrote. This tileset is for sure one of the best ever uploaded on OGA! :)
Thanks for the awesome comments guys. :) Also some helpful hints for animating the water. The frames goes as follows
frame 1,2,1,3. I tested it with 400ms frame delay. If you run it too much faster it might look like the water is moving too fast,
Thanks for this fascinating stuff!!
Thanks, I actually lied to myself about not updating this. I will be adding more to it here in the next few days so look forwards to
Castle tiles, more random town objects, and maybe some more icons.
What program do you use to mix all of these tiles in a landscape?
I personally use PyxelEdit and Paint.net to create my art
For making my maps/games in I use a free to use (soon to be open source) Engine called Intersect!
Are you going to make a roof and some "outdoor" tiles for making a house?
No on the roof, if you mean actual house tiles, the walls are it. Just as the previous example shows. Was going for something similiar to DragonQuest.
Hey George_- looking forward to seeing your updates to these assets! Big fan of the style.
To anyone waiting on the Castle Wall tiles, I recently broke my hand so needless to say it's currently in a bulky cast so I haven't had much luck on getting it done. Will be a week or two before I end up posting it
(posting this due to the large amount of people asking me regarding it.)
George_ thanks but take your time get well first :} we can wait.
This looks amazing! Thanks so much for sharing.
Too impressive, man! How did you made the GLOW effects on third image?
I might be wrong, but I think he used the light objects in the Intersect engine.
This asset was taken down for a few months on accident, Sorry for the inconvenience however it's back now!
Found something similar here: https://wilfryed.itch.io/caves-rails-tileset
Are you this guy? He's not giving credits.
While it is similiar, it looks like that is all his original work! I wouldn't expect credit from it.
Hi -- wanted to share that we've used some of these assets in a retro-RPG. Just posted the demo link & more info here:
Thx for making great artwork!
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I've edited and extended your tileset to address some of the above commenters' concerns. Basically, I:
You can find it here: https://opengameart.org/content/16x16-rpg-tileset. I credited you in the description.
If you're not comfortable with it then I can take it down, but I just wanted to let you know that it's available! :)