Hawt Blue-on-Blue link action, or How do I Download?
According to http://opengameart.org/content/rpg-towntravel-or-credits-song people are having trouble figuring out how to download resources. I think it is time to change some things (CSS anyone). Either put some nice (not blue) buttons on the links or change the color of the links. Blue links with a blue background is like putting a halibut on a carp. Maybe bold, italic links wit a colour of #555555? Or a grey button background? I like the blue of the site, but other colors don't tend to work with it (unless they are greyscale). I don't want the BG color to change, but you could do some things to make the links stand out more as I don't like f-bombs about downloads peppering the comments. Thank you.
I didn't see such complaints often yet.
There are sites where I have had real troubles finding the download links, and more than once I got some adware instead of what I wanted to download ... but this site is pretty clean compared.
Orange hues work with blue, but they stick out quite a bit. Well, I guess that is just what you want. But finding an orange link is no easier than finding a blue link. And actually, in the early days of the www, all links were blue, so I'd rather recognize a blue text to be linky than an orange one ...
Who is on the Internet but can't figure out how to click links? I mean, come on. Something fishy is up there.
The complaint is valid and comes up every now and then. Realise that a few people who bother to complain about it, means there's a silent majority who can't figure it out and give up.
Maybe a different link colour will work, but there are other methods like adding a border around the download list. This is a UX question and is better left for professionals rather than bikeshedders.
There's another related complaint that sometimes clicking the links will open up a media player rather than download. This can be fixed on the server by setting .htaccess accordingly: http://www.htaccess-guide.com/ensuring-media-files-are-downloaded-instea...
So one obnoxious person posting a rude comment means more people who come to this site can't click links than people who can? And your evidence for this is the conspicious lack of actual evidence for it? Right.
Links are literally the most basic and common user interface element of the web. But I suppose "bikeshedders" are to blame for that.
Please don't be so hostel, I don't need a place to stay.
[ signature ]
Well it's not just one person; take a look at these:
I believe we should make things easy and foolproof when we can and it doesn't detract from anything else, because why not? And in this case we can: by improving the styling, whether it's link colours as OP suggested or some other method.
The reference to "bikeshedders" was made in haste but what I meant to say is, debating what colours to use is the kind of trivial matter that attracts more noise than signal, so it's better to just get a single competent designer to come up with a solution and implement it.
I do agree with complaint about download links being unobvious, because at first I though preview images are the content and in some cases they are. In other cases preview images contain non-free material, author used just to illustrate the usage.
Also, thare are some edge cases, where some people, for promotional purposes, submit incomplete sprite/animation into public domain, requesting payment for the complete one (which will be under some no-free EULA). I guess if somebody completes such sprite/animation, they may get overly offensive, sending cease-and-desist letters or even suing.
Here we have a problem - the artist has uploaded a preview image, which contains some non-free content:
somebody may mistakenly use it and get into troubles. Should previews be under the same license as submissions?