Archery Set
Saturday, January 3, 2015 - 04:35
Art Type:
Included: a bow, arrows, a quiver and a target stand. All textured.

Included: a bow, arrows, a quiver and a target stand. All textured.
I love your stuff yd. Thanks for sharing :)
Thanl you so much for doing these assets. We may need a pic of the dartboard facing also front on as well (if its done in Blender...) But if not that's ok.
I can use the dark board as a training practice ground in my game. What I need now is a Medieval Pavillion Tent to go with it, Ummm, more of those wooden medieval Bear Skin animal Racks.
Orc flag Banners, (flags on poles) that you put in the ground to mark enemy territory, missing those too. there's quite a lot of assets still missing. Every little bit helps. I'm doing a huge project myself.
I am always glad to get such a feedback, Mophs.
One of a kind archery target. Super hard to find in the public domain!
Danica Lightquiver (hero character) is standing by these waiting to train future archers in my game.
I've included this asset in the AnyRPG Engine. Its been featured in a YouTube livestream at and you've been added to both the in-engine credits, and the credits at