Pixel Dungeons Set1 - Props and stuff
This pack has 31(plus skin variations) very low poly models using 32x32 or 64x64 textures (mainly 32x32); vertex ranging from smallest model, 8 vertex, to biggest, 240 vertex; All done by me. Photosoph source files included.
It contains the kind of props you can expect to find into a fantasy dungeon, plus foodstocks and valuables (coins and jewels).
My thanks go to the Open Game Art pixel community, i learned quite a bit looking at their works. I could expand this set, but im out of ideas of what else to add, if you think i missed some important bit of dungeon stuff do tell me. Also, i tried to be methodical and homogeneus, so if you find some error please tell me.
If this has a good welcome, I also intend to release in a near future other packs featuring weapons and characters when im finished with the small stuff.
--Because Pixel Art is way more than just Minecraft--

Traps would have been nice.
Thats a nice idea, but what traps do you propose? i can only think of spike trap...
Swinging axe, arrow/dart. Some sort of fire trap, may be a statue head spewing fire. Same setup could be used for poison trap too. Also you can add two different spike traps, one regular that pops from ground, the other ground opens up and the guy falls over the spikes. There could also be a boulder trap. Think about Indy movies ;)
Good ideas, now you know what the second pack will have, thanks for the help
Thanks Eiyeron, but i will update my 2.49 blender file; you see i just dont fu**** know where the most obvious things i can easily find in 2.49 are in the new version. Its a terrible hassle to just create a material while here i just have to "click and ready"
That's a funny thing, when I got to the UI redesign, I only had a little time to found where all these things were and to readapt. Anyway this is not the place to talk about Blender updates, so I'm glad you noticied the fix. Let's wait until the other sets, they're, for sure, promising! :D
Here what's I'm waiting for : textures for floor and walls, and one can get a dungeon crawler prototype roll nicely (except the absence of anything that's not object ^^)
EDIT : Do you want I try to add shape keys to mesh that can have? The chest and the sarcofagus both can have some mesh animations, like here:
i would be happy if you do, i had intended to do so, but totally forgot before releasing.
Traps are next in line, i have 10 of them in mind. Cheers.
Awesome, will use this in my next project.
Sorry for late answer Alexie; please drop a link here when you have it ready :)
Lovely set!
Maybe some "evil looking" statues? Mice? Rats? Bats?
Saw the title and thought this would be about pixel dungeon the roguelike.
I'm not disappointed though, nice work ♥
Thanks, guys :)
Very good! Thanks a lot!
Hey I used this and goblin in my second android game and added you in credits.
Check it out:
Hi Danimal,
Again, thank you for letting us us your stuff and hope the extra parts we made are useful for everyone!
This is our indie game - http://smashhitplunder.com/