Colored 16x16 Fantasy tileset
Sunday, January 5, 2014 - 12:31
Art Type:
I tried to give some colors and some epicness to this tileset from Jerom, because I liked it. I used DawnBringer 32 color palette. SOme tiles can easily be recolored to your pleasure. I gave myself the 4 color per tile/sprite rule.
Attribution Instructions:
Principally attribute this to Jerom. I just added some colors.
Put Eiyeron or @Eiyeron.

Used this for my Candy Jam game: Candy-Crushing Adventure Saga. Thanks for colorizing, and thanks to jerom for the tileset in the first place!
awesome, great colors.
i had a game in mind using the original graphics but this colored tileset is sparking new ideas.
feels like gbc!
Hi I've used your tileset on a little project, here's a first draft:
Hey! That's a pretty nice prototype. I like how that ends as a bullet storm! :p
I have a gameplay suggestion : could you add a mode for AZERTY keyboards please?
Hi Eiyeron,
thanks for the hint. I was unaware that WASD is not suited for every keyboard layout. I have added the arrow keys, since they are pretty universal, and a few more enemies from the set.