Fallen Valkyrie the Adventure's of Anni
Hello OGA peeps
I have created a short demo for a flash game using sprites from OGA.
I might do more, or even make it into a proper game in time. It was just a side project for about 4 hours. please let me know what you think
Valkyrie Anni Tiles main File by Jetrel
Zombies badguys by Reemax
Rupies by Qubodup
Tiles Potion and posible future levels by Surt
Main Theme by Dannagle
Rupy Sound by atari66
Potion Sound by matiasromero
Sword Sound by JoelAudio
Cool! Thanks for letting us know!
I hope this counts as constructive feedback :) :
Very nice work! Was this part of a jam/hackathon? Will you participate at the global game jam?
wow, thanks for all the feedback. I have implemented some of your suggestions and put up a new version.
As you can probably guess I am color and nice style blind, so I need creative input on things like color, so thanks for that. I can however code, so I code.
The way to contacting me is by contacting me here :)
This was just a side project, I usually make one once a week for a couple hours.I will not be at the game jam this year sadly, I am just too busy :(
Thanks again.
Open source is the only source