Collection of cute creature artwork and sprite
Hi here a compilation of different kind of cute creature sacred phoenix have created, who have work on what is in the name's file. Feel free to use or modify these little creatures ^^.
For precission The sprite done by Arnik is the base I have used for doing the artwork, but generally it's the artwork who is done before.
We have'nt made all the sprite for all the creature, but when that will be done I will update the submit (well I don't know when we will have the time... well you know the joy of creating a opensource game xp). More content than the preview show.
Here link for the different artist :
Anarlaurendil :
Dracoyan :
Arnik :
Frillecho :
FlorianDX :
eysselia :

Can you link to where each artist gave you permission to share it as CC-BY-SA, please?
Sorry for the potential licensing issues. We will do our best to understand how your community works. We work as a team on a video game project, so it's not rare for our achievements to be collabs between team members. We all agreed together that our work should be under a free license, in the spirit of the game we create. We can almost say that we are a legal person. If you need proof, I can pass on our private exchanges (but be careful, it's in French)
For the creature in the bottom-left, it's a collab between Arnik and me:
For the creatures in the bottom-right and top-left, there are an original drawing of Eysselia
At the year these images were created (2020), Dracoyan was not yet in the team.
Looks good. Thank you.
What video game is this for, has it been made public yet? I'd like to see it.
It's for Sacred Phoenix, I haven't presented the project yet (it will be donne soon, just need to prepare it) and we currently in development. But we have a short demo (really short demo) ^^.
These are just edited sprites of various Pokemon.
The fox back sprite is just a remixed 3rd Gen Vulpix.
I don't think the Pokemon Company would take lightly to letting you use them as CC-BY-SA.
@eysselia: were pokemon graphics used as a base or guide to help create any of these?
You said the fox sprite is base on the sprite vulpix, thanks for notify me. Then I will take it retire it imidiatly from the compil since I drew the artwork base on the sprite should alos retire the artwork ?
The other are created from scratch using the artwork at reference, they're not created with pokemon sprite.
Visibly one is, I will retire it this one imediatly, sorry for that. The other are created from scratch with the artwork for concept but with the style of pokemon.
Thank you. Let me know when the submission is updated.
If there are any other artworks that are based on other artwork, or even any that might be based on other artworks but you are not sure, they may need to be removed also.
Are the fantasy clergy graphics based on anything or are they completely made from scratch?
It was my mistake, I haven't verified about how efflutal was sprited. I have updated it ^^.
No the other are created from skratch (yes we call them fakemon and the style are similar to pokemon since it imitate the style, but they are not derived from actual existing pokemon, I can certify it). I will not include any regional form or fake evolution of actual pokemon.
The sprite for clergy are created based on our own ow base (Awena was the base for Maeve). And I have created the design, I halready have retired all object wich I havent created on the drawing.
Yes, also watch out for things like trade dress ( -- I don't think here on OGA it would cause much trouble but it can limit the freedom of your game and its usability in commercial context (e.g. getting donations for its development), if I can give you an advice just try to make it a lot distinct from Pokémon in every way. The world of intellectual property is sadly one big minefield, better not even try to walk there.
Oh ! I dind't know that, thanks that's usefull ^^ (well that make sence now that some name can't be used in some context).
I should have precised it, but it's a fangame so it's not commercially involved in any way, that doesn't mean it's not good to know it.
Fortunately for the human part I really don't go in the pokemon direction (and since I'm the principal character designer for that the style is fixed), but for creature it's a bit different, we tend more toward a pokemon than before (it's a source of discussion in the team, some of us want to have more freedom that the pokemon character design and some are more in the rule of pokemon design) so I will keep your advice in mind. (and also being carefull about what will be submited, anyway if I have a doubbt I will ask before ?).
Yes it's really a mine field that can explose even when your not in, saddly I don't think it's possible to escape walkin in.
The quality here looks to me as good as GBA- and DS-era pokemon games.