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OGA Nature Details Mini-Contest is hosting another pixel art contest -- this time, we're looking for a set of nature details for the OGA Community Tileset (which can be seen at the bottom of this post). Unfortunately, I just shelled out $400 to replace my CPU and motherboard this month, so I'm not able to offer any sort of cash prize (besides, I'm saving up to run a much larger contest in a couple of months).
Here are the contest rules:
- Your submission must be no larger than 32x32 pixels, and no smaller than 4x4 pixels.
- You may use no more than 32 colors (preferably less)
- Your submission must fit in thematicallly with the OGA community tileset (as seen below)
- Your submission may be in either GIF or PNG format, and should use transparent pixels, so as to allow the tile below the detail to show through. Do not draw directly on top of an existing tile.
- Your submission must be a nature detail that would be appropriate on a forest floor or grassland tile (flowers, plants, rocks, tree stumps, mushrooms, etc)
- You must be okay with your submission becoming part of the OGA Community Tileset (what this entails is detailed below). If it is included, your name will be listed among the credits.
- Your submission must be completely legal (ie, not a rip), and your own work.
- The contest ends at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, on September 1, 2009.
- You may submit as many entries as you want.
- Submit your entries here.
If you have any questions about the rules, please feel free to reply to this post.
About the OGA Community Tileset:
The OGA Community Tileset is a set of top-down, 32x32 map tiles intended for use in games. All tiles included in this set will be licensed under the GNU GPL 2.0 and above. In addition, permission to use this tileset will be given to anyone who contributes art to it (regardless of whether or not that contribution is included in the official distribution). All good faith contest entrants will be considered contributors, which means you will be free to use the OGA Community Tileset for any project you'd like, regardless of whether that project is free or commercial. You retain ownership of any content you contribute.
Here are some screenshots of the tileset in action: