Grass Texture,seamless 2d
Saturday, July 5, 2014 - 10:59
Art Type:
A seamless 2d, 512x512 grass texture. The grass is oriented vertically, so it looks far better when viewed from a fixed orientation rather than an arbitrary rotation (e.g. when applied in as a texture on a 3d object). Public domain, do whatever you wish with it if you find it useful.

Both look very nice. I wished they were 64x64 so I could use them in a RPG.
The textures were generated procedurally. Unfortunately at 64x64, the resolution is low enough that the tiling becomes obvious across multiple adjacent textures (i.e. they don't look good). Attached to this comment is a 64x64 version to demonstrate what I mean.
Manually slicing the 512x512 texture into an 8x8 set of textures is one possibility if you want to use the texture in an engine with 64x64 tiles.
Brilliant thanks for the upload :)
Thank you very much for this texture!