Codeskulptor uses javascript to convert python code into javascript so some functions in codeskulptor are not available in actual python. Codeskulptor is a great way to start if you want to learn python. Here are some links from codeskulptor if you want to learn the basics of python. It is free to use of course., and
And codecademy is a great source to learn any of the computer languages. I am currently learning c++ from codecademy and so far, I am impressed.
Codeskulptor uses javascript to convert python code into javascript so some functions in codeskulptor are not available in actual python. Codeskulptor is a great way to start if you want to learn python. Here are some links from codeskulptor if you want to learn the basics of python. It is free to use of course., and
Here it is. This is a link to the continuous snow falling.
My python is a little rusty. Their is a way to make it fall endlessly.
Thank you for letting me know. Your doing a great job as a site admin.
Here is the updated link
I can give you a downloaded version of the code if you'd like.
You can see the animated version at
Got it, thanks.
Nice work