I just realized that irmirx's original coin is under CC BY 3.0 license. If it was originally CC0 when you made this remix, it is fine. Otherwise, this submission needs to be under the same or a compatible license, which CC0 is not.
Luca, if you have CC0 gems I will gladly add them. But looks like your gems are under other licenses.
To answer your question about the process I use, if I do any editing at all, I usually only do scaling & adding outlines.
For downscaling, generally what I do is get the color palette of the original image by converting it to indexed color. Then I will scale the image in GIMP using cubic interpolation. Then I convert the scaled image to indexed color & apply the original's palette.
For upscaling, I simply use the Scale2x filter (either in GIMP or using the command line executable) if the dimensions can be multiplied into 32x32. The Scale2x filter is kind of ugly, so I eventually like to manually touch up the scaled images to look nicer (see Chrisblue's bombs):
Scale2x filter:
Manually touched up:
The icons from OCAL (or any icons that come from an SVG or scalable source) are simply imported into GIMP. Then I duplicate the layer & merge it into a single layer again multiple times until all semi-transparent pixels are opaque. Then I touch up around the edges a bit, removing unwanted pixels, & sometimes adding an outline
Added your axes to my CC0 Axe Icons.
...& your spear & trident to my CC0 Polearm Icons.
ScratchIO, yes. Scaled down & reduced number of colors in GIMP.
Yep. I'm planning to add your axes & scythes. Just haven't gotten around to it yet.
Scaled your tea & cookie up to 32x32:
I just realized that irmirx's original coin is under CC BY 3.0 license. If it was originally CC0 when you made this remix, it is fine. Otherwise, this submission needs to be under the same or a compatible license, which CC0 is not.
Luca, if you have CC0 gems I will gladly add them. But looks like your gems are under other licenses.
To answer your question about the process I use, if I do any editing at all, I usually only do scaling & adding outlines.
For downscaling, generally what I do is get the color palette of the original image by converting it to indexed color. Then I will scale the image in GIMP using cubic interpolation. Then I convert the scaled image to indexed color & apply the original's palette.
For upscaling, I simply use the Scale2x filter (either in GIMP or using the command line executable) if the dimensions can be multiplied into 32x32. The Scale2x filter is kind of ugly, so I eventually like to manually touch up the scaled images to look nicer (see Chrisblue's bombs):
Scale2x filter:
Manually touched up:
The icons from OCAL (or any icons that come from an SVG or scalable source) are simply imported into GIMP. Then I duplicate the layer & merge it into a single layer again multiple times until all semi-transparent pixels are opaque. Then I touch up around the edges a bit, removing unwanted pixels, & sometimes adding an outline
Just want to note that the source item was moved since OCAL was revamped. It can now be found here: https://openclipart.org/detail/142387
I love the animation.
Bump requested for...
CC0 Glove Icons:
CC0 Food Icons: