I certainly will. https://stephensmith.itch.io/chuckie-egg-3d
I used your egg! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9XiGPmT6hs
Nice, but very quiet.
This actually looks really good, almost photo-realistic.
This is great.
I used George for a game I'm working on, something similar to Alien Isolation:
It uses your spacestation models as well. Great work!
I've started creating a zombie horror game with these:
These are really good.
This looks really good, but I wish there were fbx exports for those of us who don't use Blender.
This looks abolutely brilliant. I can't wait to see if I can use them in a game.
I certainly will. https://stephensmith.itch.io/chuckie-egg-3d
I used your egg! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9XiGPmT6hs
Nice, but very quiet.
This actually looks really good, almost photo-realistic.
This is great.
I used George for a game I'm working on, something similar to Alien Isolation:
It uses your spacestation models as well. Great work!
I've started creating a zombie horror game with these:
These are really good.
This looks really good, but I wish there were fbx exports for those of us who don't use Blender.
This looks abolutely brilliant. I can't wait to see if I can use them in a game.