You've got some awesome work in here! Why couldn't I find these a few days ago when I was scouring the site for these space backgrounds.
I'm definitely going to come back to get these after my next update: Save The Stars on Android. It's exactly what I'm looking for :D Thanks for the Great work.
Hi, Thanks for this post! I'm using the 408-0 in my update for Save The Stars (Android). Also, you didn't include the download files for the three images in the preview?
I'm going to be using it in the Update for Save The Stars on Android. I've attributed it as: Red and Blue Nebula : Jattenale on (
Is that good or do you have a specfic way you link to see the link?
I'm using this in my Android game Save The Stars on Google Play. Well, going to be using it when I release the update. If you do decide you want Credit, lemme know which link to put. Thanks!
These are beautiful! I'm definitely going to create a way to use these in one of my projects.
I love the Space backgrounds everyone on here comes up with!
And Thank you for the Great Art! I'll be using it in the next update for Save The Stars on Android :
I love the smooth animation. It's really Great. I'll use both for the attribution.
Great Effects, going to be using these in Save The Stars : Android Shmup. Did you make these? They're really crisp.
How do you want to be attributed?
You've got some awesome work in here! Why couldn't I find these a few days ago when I was scouring the site for these space backgrounds.
I'm definitely going to come back to get these after my next update: Save The Stars on Android.
It's exactly what I'm looking for :D Thanks for the Great work.
Hi, Thanks for the Great Art! Really loved this piece, only wish my game was wide Screen to use it all.
I'm using it as a background for one of the levels in the update for Save The Stars (Android).
Hi, Thanks for this post! I'm using the 408-0 in my update for Save The Stars (Android).
Also, you didn't include the download files for the three images in the preview?
Thanks for posting up this Great Art!
I'm going to be using it in the Update for Save The Stars on Android.
I've attributed it as: Red and Blue Nebula : Jattenale on (
Is that good or do you have a specfic way you link to see the link?
Thanks for the Great Art!
I'm using this in my Android game Save The Stars on Google Play. Well, going to be using it when I release the update. If you do decide you want Credit, lemme know which link to put. Thanks!