I really am greatful for all the positive feedback so far. It means a lot to me since I haven't had an active project (other than my own album) in over a year and figured it would be fun to start releasing a song at a time when a friend of mine showed me this site. Thanks again! :D ♪♫♪♫
Thanks Capbros. :) ♪♫
I just released one :D Go check it out! http://opengameart.org/content/opengameartorg-theme-a-better-world
Looks pretty snazzy! :D
Looks delicious! :D
Those look stunning! :D
Very nice! :D Keep up the great work! :)
I really am greatful for all the positive feedback so far. It means a lot to me since I haven't had an active project (other than my own album) in over a year and figured it would be fun to start releasing a song at a time when a friend of mine showed me this site. Thanks again! :D ♪♫♪♫
Thanks for the feedback RawGames. :D
Very awesome! :D
Thanks :) I really enjoy writing 8-bit 16-bit styled music. More to come! :D