Nice game! Waiting for when it will be more complete, but already now I like it. I conceived this pack just for something like this! And yes, if I'm going to draw something in my free time - I'll upload it here.
Thanks! There is not a full set of GUI, If I have time - I will finish it and put on Open Game Art. By the way, the icons for it I took from here —
Hey Vidmaster! Thanks, I'm glad that you like it! Actualy I have some plans to make capital and cargo ships, and other classes, and even races, but unfortunately I do not know when I can do it all. At what stage is your project? Thus I understand how much I have time for it.
With explosions I have a problem - I'm not so good at animation. I can certainly do particles, but with frame by frame animation I'm afraid it will take too much time, and in such style procedural effects based on the drawn particles - probably will look better?
Nice game! Waiting for when it will be more complete, but already now I like it. I conceived this pack just for something like this!
And yes, if I'm going to draw something in my free time - I'll upload it here.
Thank you!
There is not a full set of GUI, If I have time - I will finish it and put on Open Game Art.
By the way, the icons for it I took from here —
You are welcome!
Thank you very much!
Nice :)
About long-term cooperation — sure, why not - I draw in my spare time, so I will be glad if someone will come in handy for a real project.
By the way, I'm not an artist, too - project manager and game designer.
I have a terrible English, but we can try to communicate :) Write me a PM or mail
Just fakescreen for demonstration units in action
Hey Vidmaster! Thanks, I'm glad that you like it!
Actualy I have some plans to make capital and cargo ships, and other classes, and even races, but unfortunately I do not know when I can do it all.
At what stage is your project? Thus I understand how much I have time for it.
With explosions I have a problem - I'm not so good at animation. I can certainly do particles, but with frame by frame animation I'm afraid it will take too much time, and in such style procedural effects based on the drawn particles - probably will look better?
P.S. sorry for my english
Okay, thanks! Soon will be more