Hello. I was going to upload the texture but it's not mine and I later remembered that it was not CC0 but CC-NC. I went to upload the texture seperately but noncommercial licences aren't supported by this site. It was an oversight on my part and I'll be on the look-out for a replacement. Putting the barrels together is probably a better idea. This file actually contains a LOD version that is basically the "lower poly barrel", though has a different UV map.
I didn''t comment on these? These are fantastic! A good rendition of the materials they're supposed to be and nice stylisation. I find the grass a bit eye-bleedingly bright, but nothing a little desaturation in GIMP can't fix.
How many square centimeters would you say a texture is designed to cover? I have a hunch.
That tells me what I ned to know, thank you.
This texture is really nicely drawn! I made and Open version of the crate Open crate | OpenGameArt.org
Hey, no need to remove the download link, the version I uplaoded didn't even contain the problematic file.
I've uploaded a new version of the barrel with a CC0 texture, so it's now sorted, anyway.
Hello. I was going to upload the texture but it's not mine and I later remembered that it was not CC0 but CC-NC. I went to upload the texture seperately but noncommercial licences aren't supported by this site. It was an oversight on my part and I'll be on the look-out for a replacement. Putting the barrels together is probably a better idea. This file actually contains a LOD version that is basically the "lower poly barrel", though has a different UV map.
I've also found this an issue when looking for assets and brushes for digital art programs. Not many people tag clearly with the angle.
I didn''t comment on these? These are fantastic! A good rendition of the materials they're supposed to be and nice stylisation. I find the grass a bit eye-bleedingly bright, but nothing a little desaturation in GIMP can't fix.
How many square centimeters would you say a texture is designed to cover? I have a hunch.
I like this stylisation!
This is really lovely music. Fitting for a forest. I feel that a lot of stock music has an "ametuer" sound, but this doesn't at all.
Hello. Can you please not apply both CC BY and CC0? The licenses conflict with each other.
Nice stylisation and creative designs. Good for a fantasy setting.