First of all thanks for an advice. I also wnat to notice that I see that black becomes transparent but I can't say that I saw when transparent becomes yellow. I also have a pack with chests that also have transparent bg (and don't have pure-black) and everything is fine for them
Honestly I did only now but I could reupload only cover. It is better than nothing but it is strange... I tried to upload resaved with gimp versions and I tried to reupload regenerated by libresprite versions but it worked only for cover...
License inside archive differs from license metadata. CC0 is public domain. Allows everyhing!
First of all thanks for an advice. I also wnat to notice that I see that black becomes transparent but I can't say that I saw when transparent becomes yellow. I also have a pack with chests that also have transparent bg (and don't have pure-black) and everything is fine for them
Honestly I did only now but I could reupload only cover. It is better than nothing but it is strange... I tried to upload resaved with gimp versions and I tried to reupload regenerated by libresprite versions but it worked only for cover...
Great mobs! They aren't trash
Metadata points CC-BY3 but file inside the archive that it is under CC0
To describe why:
You can also provide link directly to the pack on itch...
You chose in metadata CC-BY4 instead of CC-BY-SA4
You chose in metadata CC-BY4 instead of CC-BY-SA4
I am glad you released it here ;)