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- psx female model by enetant
- Licensing of art for Unity Asset Store demo by AntimSoftware
- 2D artist needed for an almost-finished puzzle game by segfaultxavi
- Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks by Eric Matyas
- please i need someone to make logo by Genokrypto
- Manic Minutes by Technopeasant
- Building a Library of Images for Everyone by Eric Matyas
- Bug in Revisions tab? by Emcee Flesher
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- Re: More Pixelated Attack/Hit Animations by GLUBBER
- Re: If you don´t love me by Snabisch
- Re: WGS Music #27 - War [Loops?] by blogdron
- Re: Tool Pack 2 by n64guy
- Re: WGS Music #17 - Lost In Static [Loops] by Retimer
- Re: WGS Music #27 - War [Loops?] by Retimer
- Re: WGS Music #17 - Lost In Static [Loops] by Elbon Eastmage
- Re: 50 MIDI Tunes by Elbon Eastmage
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I mentioned earlier that I've commissioned some exclusive art for this site, which will be released under the's standard 3 licenses (namely CC-BY-SA, GPL2, and GPL3). My budget is somewhat limited, so for the time being, things will be released bit by bit, starting in a week or two. Here's what you can expect:
* A fantasy RPG tileset -- at the moment, we're starting with a basic overland set, but the plan is to move into doing towns, scenery, caves, etc.
* A fantasy RPG sprite building set -- essentially a "paper doll" web application that will allow you to pick a base and customize it with hair, armor, etc. Initial work is occurring on the male sprite base, which should be ready fairly shortly. Once the bases are completed for both genders, we'll start working on accessories.
In both cases, I encourage everyone to create and submit expansions for these art packs, as I continue to commission the artists to work on them as well.
Check back soon!
- bart's blog
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I just uploaded several hundred textures from Free Game Arts. Be sure to check them out if you're looking for some solid sci-fi textures for 3D maps.
- bart's blog
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I'm not a superb artist, but I've learned a little bit about color and light theory in my attempts to improve my artistic skills. What I'm seeing in a lot of games is a tendency to use pure green for grass, pure blue for water, etc. It's a natural assumption to make, but it's not quite the right one.
The picture on the right is a screenshot of Chrono Trigger. The odd-looking green square toward the center of the image is a region where I filtered out all of the red and blue components of the color. Notice how the rest of grass in the image looks a lot more natural than the bright green patch.
I encourage you to grab a screenshot from your favorite game (2D or 3D -- this applies to both), load it up in your pixel editor of choice (I'm using Gimp at the moment), and poke around with the eyedropper tool. If you examine the grass colors, you'll notice that they all have a red and a blue component, as opposed to just green.
Furthermore, you'll discover that brighter colors are more yellow and darker colors are more blue. This is because of the way that natural sunlight works. Sunlight is yellowish, and as such, anything in direct sunlight will pick up a bit of that yellow. On the other hand, the rest of the sky is blue. Anything in a shadow will be lit mostly by the sky, and will pick up a bluish tint.
When using this, remember that subtlety is the key. Don't make your brights too yellow or your darks too blue. Adjust them carefully until they look natural.
- bart's blog
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I'm in the process of expanding the site and I need to work on getting some new direction. To this end, I'd like to "adopt" an Open Source game project and provide my financial resources (roughly 100-150 US dollars a month) toward commissioning professional art and audio for your project. Just to be clear, I am *not* asking for any money, nor do I plan to.
You're probably wondering what either of us (my website or your project) would get out of this.
You would get:
* Publicity
* Professional art, music, and audio
I would get:
* Publicity
* A game project to showcase on my site
Mind you, this will cost me some money, so there are some things that I require in order to consider your project:
* Working code (it doesn't need to be complete, but it has to be past the concept stage)
* A good concept (something original or with a good plot)
* In need of art and/or music
* Licensed under the GPL
* If you agree, I'll need fairly prominent link from your project page to my website
* All art that I pay for will be archived on
If this sounds at all appealing, please reply to me here. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to post those too.
Also, one final note: given my relatively limited funds, I'd prefer to devote energy more toward graphics and less toward music for the time being, although this may change in the future.
- bart's blog
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We had a bit of a database issue yesterday that knocked the site offline, and unfortunately I wasn't aware of it until several hours later. Sorry for any inconvenience.
- bart's blog
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