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Active Forum Topics - (view more)
- Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks by shrezird
- Bug in Revisions tab? by Emcee Flesher
- Change Username Requests by TaraSophieDev
- Licensing of art for Unity Asset Store demo by AntimSoftware
- please i need someone to make logo by Genokrypto
- Refractored Depths (Need help with a main character sprite) by xianc78
- GLB and GLTF 3D file formats by LonesomeDucky
- Synths that sound like this track from Galaga Legions DX by AGameCreatorOfA...
Recent Comments - (view more)
- Re: Depths Metal Mix by WW1 Trench Shovel
- Re: Begginer Sprites by pizzaman19
- Re: Old Wooden Baseball Bat by MedicineStorm
- Re: Begginer Sprites by Ragnar Random
- Re: Explosion Animation by janez
- Re: Battle Theme by WW1 Trench Shovel
- Re: Rubber Step by WW1 Trench Shovel
- Re: Canary by hatmix
New Art Collections - (view more)
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You may have noticed a list of art collections on the left sidebar, and if you're particularly observant, you may have also seen the "Collect" item in the main menu up above. What this means is that it's now possible for people to create art collections.
This feature is still very beta, and at the moment the form for actually creating an art collection is very ugly and rudimentary, but it works without major issues. If you want to make an art collection, the best way to do it at the moment is create an empty collection (Collect -> New Collection on the main menu) and then look at individual art submissions. The option for adding art to a collection you own (or are listed as a collaborator on) is in the left sidebar for all art submissions, and is quite smooth to use.
You don't have to be the author of a piece of art to add it to a collection. The purpose of collections is to allow us to organise art into coherent sets, which is a feature that OGA has lacked up until this point. You'll notice I'm already trying to do that with the official 16x16 JRPG set.
I'm planning on making some major improvements to the collection editing screen, the idea being that you'll be able to quickly search through multiple art submissions and add them to a collection by clicking on them once without refreshing the page. It should make collecting art a lot more convenient.
After that, I'll be putting together the collaboration, critique, and remixing features, and at that point I think it'll be safe to call this site OpenGameArt 2.0. :)
- bart's blog
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So apparently this was posted a month ago, and in all the craziness surrounding my new job, I completely missed it. Earlier this year, I gave a talk about OGA at the Libre Graphics Meeting in Montreal. For those of you who are interested, here's a video of it on youtube:
- bart's blog
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The Krita 2.4 beta is out, and I've been playing around with it for the last hour or so. I recommend giving it a try if you haven't already -- the brush settings are absolutely wonderful if you like making digital art. The usual beta caveats apply, though -- save your work frequently if you're planning on doing anything serious with it. :)
- bart's blog
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Hey folks.
We've had a couple of instances in the last few days where people have uploaded art they've found in "free resources" lists on the web and marked them as public domain. Please note that these resources are not public domain unless the author specifically states that they are.
In cases where the artist didn't clearly assign one of the existing licenses to their work, just ask them first. A lot of artists who release free resources are quite happy to put a license on them so that they can be included here on OGA.
- bart's blog
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Hey folks.
I saw this blog post and thought that it might be of interest. They're currently looking for a mascot for the KATE text editor, and I figured with the artists around here, maybe someone would be up for it.
- bart's blog
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