Resouces Pack #1
Wednesday, June 26, 2019 - 21:28
Art Type:
I really like drawing resources. I don't know why, but I think imagining random things that games can use is extremely fun, so I decided to use my free time on the iPad to draw some random resources on Procreate!
The icons here are all under the CC0 licence, which means you can do whatever you want with it, you can use it commercially, remix, share, use exactly as it is, doesn't matter :)
No attribution is needed (but certainly is appreciated).
If you appreciate assets like this, please let me know and I'll make more packs. I hope this is useful!

They look great
I think they might go well with Ravenmore's icons
so pretty!
Such an awesome job!
Ravenmore's icons are sadly not CC0, that is a no-go for me. But there are e.g. MELLE's icons that would go great wih this too. I am thinking about updating my Minetest texture pack with these.
nice artwork, love the style!
Please make more packs.
I already thought about two or three places to use them in my games.
Amazing! Good work :)!
Looking forward to more resources packs :D
Few suggstions for next pack would be:
Book, Keys (Silver and gold), Flower, Potions, Weapons.
Pretty interesting, I will use a few for products/resources in FAR Colony.
Yep I appreciate your resources assets, feel free to continue.
Good work! :)
I did this:
Thanks a lot for your gorgeous icons. Also thanks to mold who saved me from removing the 2nd bread :-). I used some icons in my latest game:
The Great Grub on also offers a free version.
Amazing work!
I'll be using these in the next version of AnyRPG and have added you to the in-engine credits.
Yes, please do more! If you like drawing these, please make some variations. For example: "one log of wood" and "a lot of wood"