Visibility of uploads
Guys, after a long break I made a big uploads like this:
And they washed out of a main page in few hours because of other guys uploads of a single items and sounds. I have no solution and no claims to this creators, just want to say it pushes me to split up my uploads too, which seems to be detrimental to the convenience of the users of this resource.
Perhaps you can take this into account in version 3.0.
P.S. I really like OGA and it's community, so this is just a review, not a complaint.
Both of those were visible for several days on the front page's "latest art" section. Actually, the furniture one is still visible in "latest art" and both are visible in "popular this week" right now.
That is a reasonable concern, though. We want artists submissions to be visible for a decent period. What would you suggest as a solution? I have been encouraging submitters to consolidate thier submissions (it's better for everyone anyway, the artists tend to get more attention when their stuff is in a cohesive set) but how do we enforce that besides asking?
--Medicine Storm
Yes, they hit popular after I made a second upload and created link to the first one. But previouse day fist upload disappeared from main page in few hours, and second was moved down on few positions very fast. Mb I hurried with this topic, but it seems that this observation is still relevant in general.
I thinked about solution, mb with redesign of a main page it's passible to add specific block for featured items, and give to creators featuring tickets for each "n" points that they earned. After activation of this ticket for specific submission it get in queue in this block and become visible for one day or something like this?
So I don't know if this was a dream or if I was having some sort of vision or if it was legit, but one time I logged in and the front page was essentiially like
2D Art
# # # # # # # #
3D Art
# # # # # # # #
Concept Art
# # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # #
Newly Submitted
# # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # #
Not sure if this style will be implemented but although it doesn't completely solve your problem, it allows for less competition to get your work seen. Even if it's pushed out of the smaller category, it's still in the newly submitted area and I think it would be nice if OGA would guarantee something posted sits on the page for at least a day without getting pushed out by new artwork.
This is close to that, Joth, but with Newly Submitted at the top instead of the bottom. Is that what you're thinking of possibly?
--Medicine Storm
Personally i don't think OGA should lose 'Popular' section. its assets that is there on merit and its the one section where the artwork gets preverlent treatment because its something the community have been 'actively' favouiting. It also lets the artist know that its something to keep working on, either a different version or relative to that asset creating a more of a cohesive SET of assets later.
Maybe if an asset has made the popular section, its position on the 'latest art' be removed making way for the previously uploaded asset to remain longer.(this is good if it has been knocked out of latest art)
just my thoughts, but i really don't like the idea of losing 'popular'. :)
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